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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Not happy with general mills right now and Magna. What do you think should I keep them or move on. If I decide to move on is there any decent dividend paying companies in there respective categories.

Read Answer Asked by Mark on June 28, 2024
Q: Magma has been falling over the last year and your comments have not been positive recently. Wondering if you would suggest switching to LNR. Is there other names in manufacturing you like?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 20, 2024
Q: Could you provide your opinion of Magna vs Linamar?
Historically MG seemed in the lead and had a better dividend. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine - their investments in Russia were blamed for non-performance.
Also, since then LNR seems to be doing substantially better signifying the sector is doing ok.

Has MG lost its MOJO, had its day and becoming a value trap? (all cash flow going towards dividends, taking on debt and eroding stock price).
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Delbert on June 13, 2024
Q: Hi guys
Looking at three companies in the Industrial/Consumer areas. Looking out a year to 3 years what would be your favorite(s) in regards to total return. Can you also give the forward P/E for the 3 stocks?

Much thanks

Read Answer Asked by Stuart on March 14, 2024
Q: I am looking for large or mid cap cash rich companies that seem to be punished because the rest of the market is down.
Read Answer Asked by Murray on October 04, 2023
Q: What do you think of the latest quarterly earnings for Martinrea ?
I used your Interactive Chart feature to compare the % share price increase over time of Martinrea and Magna - for 10 to 20 years Magna is the clear winner , but Martinrea is far better over the last 3 years . Do you think this better performance will continue over the next 2-3 years , or is a switch to Magna appropriate ?
Read Answer Asked by Thomas A.J. on August 11, 2023