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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: If Trump wins election and he follows through with his promised 20% tariff on imported goods, which Canadian industries would be most adversely affected?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on October 11, 2024
Q: Good Morning,

I was thinking of buying the listed companies for a 6 month hold. What is your opinion on expected total returns. Your suggestions for better total return cdn stocks are welcome. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by David on July 15, 2024
Q: Hi team,

I sent the following question last week and have not seen any reply yet. Did you receive it ?

Here is the question.

Which are your favorite cyclical stocks presently, Cdian and U.S., for strong growth in a TFSA ? Could you comment at the same time on CAVA-N, COIN-Q and PDD-Q ?


Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on June 06, 2024
Q: Given the chance of a second Trump Presidency and the likelihood of tariffs, loss of democracy and full on graft and favouritism what Canadian companies are likely to thrive or at a minimum survive? Is there a defensive strategy that would work for either result in the election or is it one direction with Trump and another with Biden?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 22, 2024
Q: With steel prices having moved up a fair bit over the last few months, I have been surprised at the continued weakness in shares of STLC. Now down to $40. The company paid a $3.00 special dividend in each of the past 2 years, and also pays a regular 42 cent quarterly dividend, so a trailing 12 month yield of 11.5%. Solid balance sheet. What do you think of it at this price, and is there an earnings forecast for 2024?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on February 06, 2024
Q: What would be some investments that would benefit from the potential residential building boom that is being incented by Federal money in Canada?
Read Answer Asked by Maria on November 21, 2023
Q: atz,goos,cia,pd,td,tsu,This stocks are big looser for me, which to keep or sell or replaced?.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on May 11, 2023
Q: If you held the following smaller cap stocks in positions of 0.5% to 1.0% of your total stock portfolio, and wanted to reduce the number of holdings by selling several of them and using the money to add to others, which ones would you sell and which ones would you add to: ACQ, ADEN, AEP, AND, CHW, CJ, DCM, ECN, GEO, HPS.A, LNF, NOA, PRL, QIPT, RCH, RET.A, SFC, STLC, SVI, TVE, WELL, XTC. Assume overall portfolio is well diversified so sectors not a consideration, and that this is the riskier part of portfolio, so, higher risk is fine. Would be great if you could pare this list of 22 stocks down to about 10-15. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 24, 2023
Q: Hi,

I have about 8% of my portfolio in WPM, LUN, DPM and FCX. Wondering if you think I should add 3% in steel?

If so, which US or CDN companies would you recommend? STDL seems to have the best long term returns but I've heard their earning are expected to go down next year?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on February 01, 2023
Q: Looking at adding to a smallish position in Stelco, but recently saw an analyst recommend Champion Iron. I view Champion as similar to Stelco, being a high volatility business dependent on the pricing environment (iron ore/steel) of their product. I like STLC's large share buybacks, dividends, solid balance sheet and very cheap p/e multiple. With a major recession looking less likely, which do you prefer and why?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on January 27, 2023
Q: Good Morning. My mother (94 years old) is looking for a metals stock. She asked about Rus. I see it has been flat for a year (-2%). 5i seems to like STLC which is near a 52-w high and up about 60% over a year. I have Teck.b and it is near a 52-w high, so not sure about recommending that. I was thinking NTR (materials) may be a suggestion. Or what about FM as a new thought?

What would the experts at 5i suggest?

BTW, I suggested that she subscribe to 5i but she reminded me that she has never used a computer ... maybe lucky her!
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on January 20, 2023