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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello, since the rate cutting have started, what reit would you be interested in Canada and in the US?
Read Answer Asked by Danny on September 04, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan & Team,

Thanks for your recent report on SVI.

In a non-registered account, we own DIR.UN, but not SVI. Looking at the charts, I see that SVI is outperforming DIR.UN over all time periods. Would you endorse selling about half of DIR.UN and using the proceeds to buy SVI?

Alternatively, we own Telus in this account, which is at a loss. Would you endorse selling all of T (for tax loss purposes) and use the proceeds to buy SVI. In this scenario, we wouldn't sell any DIR.UN.

Which alternative would be preferred?

Your valuable advice is always appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on August 28, 2024
Q: Hi with interest rates beginning to edge lower what would be the sectors most likely to benefit? Could you give me a couple of your favourite picks for each of those sectors. Would you be edging in, fully buying in, or hold off for a possible October correction? With the likely chaotic return of Trump to the Presidency would the Renewable stocks such as BEPC be at risk of correcting under this scenario? He does not like windmills much... Thank you for your service and deduct credits as you see fit.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on July 18, 2024
Q: If you held 5 or 6 real estate type positions in a diversified portfolio, and wanted to consolidate a bit, would you be in favour of selling a smallish position in SVI and add to medium sized positions in DIR.UN and/or GRT.UN. If yes, would you add to both or just DIR.UN?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 04, 2024
Q: I am looking to add some real-estate to my portfolio .
Are there any ETF's or stocks you would recommend.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on March 22, 2024
Q: looking at some names where tricon money may flow to.
-notice several bank analysts research reports on tricon have peers :
bdi, svi, mrd, meq, drm. would like your thoughts please.
thank you
Read Answer Asked by howard on January 22, 2024
Q: I am woefully underexposed to the real estate sector.
Could you please identify your top 3 Canadian stocks, REITS and ETF's which one might play for the impending interest rate cuts in 2024?

Read Answer Asked by JEFF on December 04, 2023
Q: I have had the impression rightly or wrongly that you aren’t buying into the current narrative that interest rates might stay higher for longer? Just supposing they do stay elevated for some time, are there any companies in your universe that you may have been previously positive on whose debt levels might give you pause under the higher for longer scenario? I’ll use EIF just as an example. Is it something you could run a screen on just to highlight some companies that you think could bear a closer watch under such a scenario? It always seems to me that when a company has an issue (Nuvei being a recent example), it’s always a suddenly too high debt ratio that ultimately takes them down (or at least keeps them from recovering). Appreciate your thoughts as always.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on August 23, 2023
Q: Public storage and cell tower stocks are down significantly this year. Were they simply over-valued previously? Assuming interest rates will stabilize, do you feel that they may offer above average returns going forward? Your favourites listed on US and Canadian exchanges?
Read Answer Asked by John on August 16, 2023
Q: Trying to reduce my number of stock holdings. Have identified these 11 as small positions that can be eliminated. Intending to use the cash to add to stronger holdings. I try not to think of a stock as a "hold". There are lots of high quality names you can invest in that look better than a "hold". If you were doing a portfolio clean up, and held these as roughly 1% positions, are there any that you would be reluctant to sell?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on August 15, 2023
Q: If you held the following smaller cap stocks in positions of 0.5% to 1.0% of your total stock portfolio, and wanted to reduce the number of holdings by selling several of them and using the money to add to others, which ones would you sell and which ones would you add to: ACQ, ADEN, AEP, AND, CHW, CJ, DCM, ECN, GEO, HPS.A, LNF, NOA, PRL, QIPT, RCH, RET.A, SFC, STLC, SVI, TVE, WELL, XTC. Assume overall portfolio is well diversified so sectors not a consideration, and that this is the riskier part of portfolio, so, higher risk is fine. Would be great if you could pare this list of 22 stocks down to about 10-15. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 24, 2023
Q: In one of your answers you felt that Tech, Consumer Cyclicals and Real Estate are areas that have been beaten down and might be poised for recovery. Could you mention 3 stocks for each area listed on the TSX that you would recommend as having solid potential at this time. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 01, 2023
Q: Saw Andrew Moffs on BNN Monday discussing REITs and Real Estate companies. Looking for a 2nd opinion on these 8. Maybe just a ranking from 1 to 8 in order of preference for a long term hold. Yield doesn't matter, looking for best total return. Which ones look buyable at this time?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on January 31, 2023