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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I see there is a US law firm investigating the proposed takeover price for Tricon. They are looking for investors to talk to. Is this a usual occurrence?

What do you think about the US$11.25 per share valuation being offered?

This news only appears on the USD ticker’s page here on 5i (?).
Read Answer Asked by Lisa on March 05, 2024
Q: HI Guys
A general question about regulatory requirements, but maybe using TCN as an example as it is now in play....... When a company like Blackstone makes a offer for a company like TCN, once the offer is in place, is the acquirer (Blackstone) permitted to continue to buy stock offered in the market up to 100% even before the vote?

Just seems there is a lot of selling and buying and wondering that would be smart of Blackstone.


Read Answer Asked by Stuart on January 23, 2024
Q: Regarding responses to questions on where to redeploy funds from Tricon, I did not see any reference to InterRent Real Estate Investment Trust. I already own Dream Industrial and plan to add, but to maintain exposure to residential real estate, does it also make sense to add to IIP.UN? Why or why not?
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on January 23, 2024
Q: looking at some names where tricon money may flow to.
-notice several bank analysts research reports on tricon have peers :
bdi, svi, mrd, meq, drm. would like your thoughts please.
thank you
Read Answer Asked by howard on January 22, 2024
Q: Finally some good news about Tricon! TCN has been a real laggard in our margin account, and even with the recent substantial gain, it’s still down 18.6%. However, this is certainly not nearly as bad as it was several days ago! I can trade TCN for zero commission and of course, the loss will be reported in our 2024 tax return. Would your suggestion to sell half now still apply in this case?

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 22, 2024
Q: If I wanted to stay in the real estate sector what are your current favorite candidates to re-invest proceeds when selling my TCN holdings
Read Answer Asked by Ed on January 22, 2024
Q: I didn't journal TCN to my US account for the dividend. Will it make a difference regarding currency when the 'go private' deal is done since it is a Cdn listed stock and only the dividend was paid in USD?

Is it best to buy RBA on the US exchange and are the dividends paid in USD? I want to avoid currency conversions as much as possible and this info is not readily apparent to me.

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gayle on January 19, 2024
Q: Hello 5i team,
Yahoo Business mentioned that TCN tentatively may go private at $11.25 US (~15.17 CAD). You recommended to sell half now.

Is there any regulatory hurdles that may stop this transaction with all the housing problems in both countries? Since TCN is the only REIT in the balanced portfolio, do you have your eye on any other equities?

Read Answer Asked by Andrew on January 19, 2024