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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi with interest rates beginning to edge lower what would be the sectors most likely to benefit? Could you give me a couple of your favourite picks for each of those sectors. Would you be edging in, fully buying in, or hold off for a possible October correction? With the likely chaotic return of Trump to the Presidency would the Renewable stocks such as BEPC be at risk of correcting under this scenario? He does not like windmills much... Thank you for your service and deduct credits as you see fit.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on July 18, 2024
Q: If you held 5 or 6 real estate type positions in a diversified portfolio, and wanted to consolidate a bit, would you be in favour of selling a smallish position in SVI and add to medium sized positions in DIR.UN and/or GRT.UN. If yes, would you add to both or just DIR.UN?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 04, 2024
Q: I am looking to add some real-estate to my portfolio .
Are there any ETF's or stocks you would recommend.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on March 22, 2024
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