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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hello,

Can you please compare each of these companies using the valuation metric you believe to be the most appropriate given their business models?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Keith on July 18, 2024
Q: Using total return over the medium term (3-5 yrs) as your goal what would be your top 3 picks in the Publicly Traded Private Equity sector excluding BN and BX?
Secondly, where would BN and BX rank among your picks?
Thirdly, what %age of a portfolio would you allocate to this sector?
Thank you, Hugh
Read Answer Asked by Hugh on June 26, 2024
Q: I bought BX pre-pandemic and held on , thinking that its significant investments in real estate would bottom and share price would again climb. That didn’t happen. I have been trimming my holding in BX but still hold a half-position. I stopped reducing, now again thinking that perhaps long-duration assets owned by BX would become more valuable. Do you think this is true? Or, do you think an investor is much better off to deploy cash into KKR or some other private equity? (US companies only).

Kindly give your insightful reasons, skipping the obvious please.
Thank you! :ao:
Read Answer Asked by Adam on June 21, 2024
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