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Q: Have about $18.0 K U.S. that I would like to put to work for 30 to 40 months. Would appreciate suggestions - ETF or individual security. Sector not too relevant although, like most Cdn, investors, I am overweight financlals and resources. Keeping the funds in U.S., a mix of capital appreciation and reinvested dividends would be nice. Thanks for all the 5i Team do and a shout out to all the members whose thoughtful questions have helped me in recent years.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on October 07, 2024
Q: Your top 5 Dividend stocks in order please for CND and US? Long term holds

Thanks you
Read Answer Asked by Nick on October 08, 2024
Q: I would like to invest in private equity and credit stocks. I came across below US and CDN stocks. Which one would you recommend that I should buy or unless you have better options. Plus is there an ETF that you would recommend.

Please give brief description and why you consider as Buy.


Please deduct credit as appropriate.

Thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Hector on September 23, 2024
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