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Q: By not listing in the US, are they in some way shielded from US shorts that target Canadian companies (sometimes for dubious reasons)?
Read Answer Asked by JR on June 03, 2024
Q: I have had the impression rightly or wrongly that you aren’t buying into the current narrative that interest rates might stay higher for longer? Just supposing they do stay elevated for some time, are there any companies in your universe that you may have been previously positive on whose debt levels might give you pause under the higher for longer scenario? I’ll use EIF just as an example. Is it something you could run a screen on just to highlight some companies that you think could bear a closer watch under such a scenario? It always seems to me that when a company has an issue (Nuvei being a recent example), it’s always a suddenly too high debt ratio that ultimately takes them down (or at least keeps them from recovering). Appreciate your thoughts as always.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on August 23, 2023
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