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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: After signing up to the Portfolio Tracking & Analysis, ( excellent service, Thanks!)
I need to increase my holdings in the Health care sector and Consumer Defensive industry
US and Can exposure.
Your suggestions are appreciated.
Thank You 5i Team
Read Answer Asked by Adelheid on October 18, 2024
Q: Would 5i comment on earnings for AND and anything you may have gleaned from the report and conference call { if it has happened yet } . I know what the earnings are { down a tad from 2023 but not a lot } but would like to hear 5i's opinions on the business and business model going forward both short and mid to long term .... The stock has been a bit unexciting in the recent past and I am trying to assess whether to move on ...... Thanks for your terrific service . Garth .....
Read Answer Asked by Garth on May 06, 2024
Q: Hello, Would you have 4 top picks in either of these sectors (industrials, consumer staples, consumer discretionary or health care). I am looking for large caps trading on the TSX with good long term potential. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on April 23, 2024
Q: After reviewing the quarterly results of Andlauer and Pason Systems last night, I thought they seemed rather mediocre, and figured the stocks might drop a bit today. To my surprise, they both went up substantially. I would like to hear your take on the quarterly results of these 2 companies, and whether you think they are keepers. I'm thinking maybe sell on any further strength.

2nd part of the question, from looking at the charts for these 2, I am think a sell point approaching previous levels of resistance for PSI would be about $16.25 and AND about $44.75. Do those look about right to you?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on November 07, 2023
Q: Trying to reduce my number of stock holdings. Have identified these 11 as small positions that can be eliminated. Intending to use the cash to add to stronger holdings. I try not to think of a stock as a "hold". There are lots of high quality names you can invest in that look better than a "hold". If you were doing a portfolio clean up, and held these as roughly 1% positions, are there any that you would be reluctant to sell?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on August 15, 2023
Q: Looking to clear out some holdings that are not performing. AND is near its 52 week low and going lower highs and lower lows. HLF is a flattish chart and is about where it was 2.5 years ago. I’m down 9.5% and 11% respectively. Could use to put the money someplace else?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on July 10, 2023
Q: If you held the following smaller cap stocks in positions of 0.5% to 1.0% of your total stock portfolio, and wanted to reduce the number of holdings by selling several of them and using the money to add to others, which ones would you sell and which ones would you add to: ACQ, ADEN, AEP, AND, CHW, CJ, DCM, ECN, GEO, HPS.A, LNF, NOA, PRL, QIPT, RCH, RET.A, SFC, STLC, SVI, TVE, WELL, XTC. Assume overall portfolio is well diversified so sectors not a consideration, and that this is the riskier part of portfolio, so, higher risk is fine. Would be great if you could pare this list of 22 stocks down to about 10-15. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 24, 2023
Q: Hello 5i team,
I initiated a position in AND around the time you published a report on the company. The reasons were because of the niche market, growing dividend, partially involved in healthcare, and growth (although slowly).

A few questions:
-brief opinion on the most recent quarter(released March 2nd)?
-The one and only report was in 2021, would you be having one coming up?
-Would AND be a stock that you would add to one of the portfolios in the future?

Read Answer Asked by Andrew on March 06, 2023
Q: Hi,

Can you provide general comments on D2L's latest earnings release please?
Specifically, any concerns about their 3 month and 9 month adjusted EBITDA (loss) and their updated financial outlook? Other released financial metrics appear to be positive.
Is this still a long term buy?

What is your take on Andlauer's early warning report released Dec 7, ie..."agreements to sell an aggregate of up to 1,760,000 subordinate voting shares in the capital of the Company ("Subordinate Voting Shares"), representing approximately 9.64% of the issued and outstanding Subordinate Voting Shares, for investment purposes."
Almost 10% is quite a lot of shares is it not?
Is this still a long term buy?

I don't currently own any of these shares but they are on my short term watchlist.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 09, 2022
Q: You mentioned yesterday you think there any many good companies that have the ability to double or triple in time. At this point could you give 5 US and 5 Canadian names?
Read Answer Asked by Tyler on November 07, 2022
Q: High growth stocks. A recent NP piece by Peter H. advised investors consider these vs. conservative picks coming out of a bear market. "Stocks that used to be 50X sales are now 3X sales and still growing at 50%+...a Bloomberg screen shows 982 companies with 50% sales growth in the next year."

Could you provide 10 Cdn. stocks in this category or better yet provide a link to the Bloomberg screen. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Jeff on October 21, 2022
Q: Two part question, deduct as many points as you like.

I'm just wondering if anyone at 5I has glanced at the 195 page(!!) short report that Spruce Point put out last week on Stryker. Anything in particular to be concerned about? I own it in my RRSP, and have been slowly adding to my position. It is the only stock that I own in the health care sector.

Also, what would be your top pick, CA or US in this sector, if I wanted to diversify my portfolio?

Thank you for all that you do.

Read Answer Asked by Ed on April 12, 2022
Q: I'm going to increase my position in either MAL or AND { both at around 1.2% position } to somewhere around 2.5% ..... Which of the two does 5I prefer at today's prices ? ..... Can you comment on AND's earnings report ...... And problems with increasing rents, hiring drivers, and fuel prices going forward ? ...... Simply Wall Street claims MAL's earnings are set to grow 106.9% per year for the next three years. That's a pretty hefty increase in earnings ....And that the dividend is not well covered by earnings ..... Can you confirm this ? ..... Thanks for your great service. Garth
Read Answer Asked by Garth on March 04, 2022