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5i Recent Questions
Q: 5i’s opinion of XST for a 5-yr hold in RESP?
I see its 5yr & 10yr returns are 10% & 12%, its 3 largest holdings (ATD, Loblaws, MRU) total about 60% of the fund, and it has 11 holdings.
I would basically purchase for diversification as opposed to buying the main holdings individually and paying commissions. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Trevor on July 17, 2024
Q: Please rate the following stocks to purchase for a long term hold. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ben on July 16, 2024
Q: Hello, Would you have 4 top picks in either of these sectors (industrials, consumer staples, consumer discretionary or health care). I am looking for large caps trading on the TSX with good long term potential. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on April 23, 2024
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