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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Team,
I was looking at adding to either Bn, PRL , Eqb, or HPS.A. Or possibly a new purchase of Lulu for a recovery play here . Could you please rank these names in order which you would prefer to buy today for long term capital appreciation? If you feel there are better opportunities you prefer buying today ideas would be appreciated . Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on July 23, 2024
Q: I hold the listed stocks that are at or very close to their 52wk highs. As a momentum play, would you please rank the order in which you would add to the positions. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 16, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

Looking at starting a new position in a few of the 12 companies tagged. Can you rank from 1 to 12 on which companies you think is the best to start a new position in. No worries on size, industry or risk, looking for capital appreciation only over the next 3 years.

Thanks again!
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on July 15, 2024
Q: I have a large (15-20%) holding in CSU, as it has grown really well. They say to keep running with your winners; as I continue investing, would it be better to continue slowly adding to my CSU position, or to work on diversifying my portfolio? If diversify, I am obviously looking for other stocks that will compound at a high level over the long term. At today's valuations, in which order would 5i recommend buying these other stocks? Similarly, to diversify, does it make sense to sell some CSU to reinvest in any of these other stocks? Thank you so much!
Read Answer Asked by Petra on July 08, 2024
Q: hi group i am very light on financials does it make sense to invest in the smaller companies for exposure to the financial sector. (eg GSY,IFC EQB - please rate these 3 (in order of preference and why.-against CAD/US BANKS .. also I am light on Health care do you see the sectors as a buy please give me you top 3 picks in healthcare presently i own CVS and PFE should i sell them to invest in you picks?...Thanks for you help with this
Read Answer Asked by Terence on June 14, 2024
Q: Hi guys,

I have the above in my portfolio at 2.5%, please rank them as to moving them into a FULL position (4%).
Read Answer Asked by jim on June 13, 2024
Q: Hi group in view of upcoming mortgage renewals over the next 2 yrs. Do you see an increase in chip reverse mortgages which in turn should fuel growth in EQB " any idea how much of their business is in reverse mortgage's. In addition apparently lots of people cancelling or restructuring their house insurance what you thoughts and does an entry point make sense in IFC .

Also is JPM the way to play us banks or do you see something different What's your thought's on Financials overall going fwd. I am very light in the sector (1%) so can you make some recommendations

thanks for your help with this

Read Answer Asked by Terence on June 05, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
With weak growth shown from crm , and being that I am already tech heavy, would it be advisable to sell crm to add to propel and Eqb ? Both growing much faster with much cheaper valuations ; but in banking sector instead of tech . However in the alternative banking sector which seems to be much higher growth than the traditional banks currently .

Thanks ,
Read Answer Asked by Shane on June 03, 2024
Q: Hi, We own RY/CM/GS- 12% , IFC - 2.75% and PRL -1% among Financials. In addition, we bought EQB - 1% position at $85, based on strong analyst commentary, a month ago. We need some cash to raise and were wondering if it is necessary to own EQB or with about 15% weight through above holdings, we can let the EQB go.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 15, 2024
Q: The above holdings are in an RESP that won’t be required for at least 7 years. For new money, which sectors to add and a couple of suggestions please.
Read Answer Asked by Rose on May 07, 2024
Q: Hi 5i
I've held EQB for quite a while now and I'm nicely ahead, in a registered account.
I wonder though if it's reaching its peak based on its fundamentals, or if it might still gain meaningfully if and when interest rates start to decline?
The dividend is relatively minor and if notable capital appreciation isn't reasonably in the cards, I don't know that it makes sense for me to hold on any longer.
Can you give me your opinion as to what the next year or two might hold for EQB, as and if rates decline.
Thanks 5i, much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 24, 2024
Q: Hi, What is your current opinion on EQB ? Stock had a strong run, but if I remember correctly, their most recent results were not and encouraging and stock took a hit. Do you think, the issues with the last quarter were only temporary and EQB is buyable today for a new position at current levels ? EQB was recommended by at least a couple of brokerages, recently ( Including CIBC), as the Best Growth story among Canadian banks. Do you agree ?

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on April 19, 2024
Q: Please rank in terms of growth and risk over the next 1-3 years
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 18, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
Two-part question... What is your take on the news today of Propel launching an insurance product? Do you have any further details on this, and do you feel it will be a lucrative addition to the business with growth potential? Also, EQB today had news of a 300 million deposit this a significant event for the company?

Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 10, 2024