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Review of TerraVest Industries Inc.

MAR 12, 2024 - TVK operates as a diversified industrial company that produces and markets goods and services to a variety of different end markets including agriculture, energy, mining, transportation, etc. TVK has managed to create significant shareholder value over the long term. We think the story of TVK as a potential long-term compounder is still in its early innings. We think investors could do well holding TVK at the current valuation over the long term. Rating initiated at “B+”.

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5i Recent Questions
Q: I've been considering buying TVK for some time. One of the things holding me back is the potential of a Trump victory and the subsequent imposition of 20% across the board import tarrifs. Given the resource industries that TVK supports, what impact on share price would you predict such tarrifs would have? Would you suggest prospective buyers of TVK wait until after the election to wade in?
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on October 21, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i team,
I hold these seven companies in my TFSA in roughly equal amounts. I would like to add WELL to my TFSA. Would it be wise to shave a bit from all of the companies listed in order to do so?
Or, do you see a better solution to achieve this (ie. SELL one / two of the other positions in favour of WELL)?
Thank you as always.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on October 17, 2024
Q: Hello Peter and Team. I am about to open a new TFSA account with almost 100K. Time frame of 5-8 years. Could you please recommend 4-6 growth/income stocks with 1or 2 ETF’s?

I was thinking BN, VFV, EIT.UN, TVK. Any other recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks for the amazing service. Brian
Read Answer Asked by Brian on October 18, 2024
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