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5i Recent Questions
Q: My wife and I hold a blend of mainly dividend paying blue chip Canadian stocks (examples shown) in a diversified equity/fixed income portfolio. PE ratios on some of our dividend payers seem enticing to add to. As retirees with a reasonably conservative approach, what sectors does 5i feel have the best opportunity for P/E margin expansion over the next several years, assuming no 'abnormal' (whatever that is) market volatility and some moderation of interest rates? Consistent with the margin expansion theme, would 5i suggest we add to our existing dividend payers, or to more growth-oriented names like BN group?
Read Answer Asked by Edward on July 10, 2024
Q: A lot of market commentators are observing that there is potentially a correction ahead. Ordinarily I would follow your long standing thought to not try to time the market and I would simply stay the course. But one income oriented account I am concerned with has a priority of capital preservation. These 7 named stocks make up about 1/2 of the holdings. Can you please provide your quick assessment whether they are reasonably safe in the event of a downturn. If not and they are more exposed to a decline, would trimming be sufficient or are there some other names to migrate to protect the account assets?

Many thanks for your excellent service
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on April 09, 2024
Q: Am considering taking a position in one of these companies that I believe are in similar type businesses. How would you rank them and why? And would you be a buyer now or prefer to wait based on recent earnings and current stock momentum?
Read Answer Asked by John on April 01, 2024
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