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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, hold enough EIF that I want to divest and diversify. Looking for high growth over the next 4-5 years, but not as interested in dividends. I also hold a fair bit of CSU and gsy, so am thinking along those lines. What would be a good ranking for the following at today's prices (best to worst), and are there another couple additions you'd suggest? Big thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Petra on July 23, 2024
Q: Hello 5i...with respect to Cdn Industrials...I am looking to consolidate 9 positions into 6 to 7 holdings...thaey are ( largest to smaillest holding ) WSP, TFII, EIF, ATS, CJT, HPS.A, TRI, TVK, DRX, I am looking for some sort of combo of stable growth ( I have good gains in WSP and TFII and will hold, but could trim ) and potential exceptional growth. Would appreciate if you could rank based on growth and how you might see a consolidation effort for these.

One option being considered is to move completely out of CJT and /or ATS to US industrials and looking at potentials FIX or TT... would like your opinion on this move and if you have preference for one or another suggested potential US industrial ( I already hold AXON )

Read Answer Asked by Arthur on July 22, 2024
Q: I have a large (15-20%) holding in CSU, as it has grown really well. They say to keep running with your winners; as I continue investing, would it be better to continue slowly adding to my CSU position, or to work on diversifying my portfolio? If diversify, I am obviously looking for other stocks that will compound at a high level over the long term. At today's valuations, in which order would 5i recommend buying these other stocks? Similarly, to diversify, does it make sense to sell some CSU to reinvest in any of these other stocks? Thank you so much!
Read Answer Asked by Petra on July 08, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

We need to raise some cash in our non-registered account. Please rank in order of which stock/ETF to sell a partial position first: BYD, CNR, IHI, and TRI . All four of these holdings have done very well, thanks to the continued good recommendations from 5i.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on June 24, 2024
Q: a sunlife life insurance policy was purchased for grandchildren as an investment for them on the advice of a financial planner- I am embarrassed to say so far $9000 in annual premiums has been paid, with 11 more remaining before the policy is paid in full. If I cancel this policy it will be a loss. However; the dollars which would have gone to sunlife could be used for a better investment. Your suggestions would be welcomed. Thank you- (P.S.- I submitted this ? a moment ago-but my screen went black so I don't no if the ? was sent the first time)
Read Answer Asked by jane on May 29, 2024
Q: I have some nice gains on above listed companies. I am thinking of selling a few shares and use the proceeds to invest into related companies for diversification purposes.
What do you think of this strategy and what would be one or two suggestions for companies related to my list.
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by ALBERT on May 27, 2024
Q: Hello Peter and team

To complement my all ETFs portfolio : VEQT 40%, QQQ 10%, VGT 10%, MOAT 10%, I intend to add 6 of the above 7 stocks for 5% each.
Does it make sense, please feel free to substitute and suggest other stocks and explain why.
This is for a 10 years hold with minimum or no trading in this account.
Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Raoul on May 16, 2024
Q: What would be your top 10 “sleep at night” stocks for US and Canada?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on April 22, 2024
Q: Hi,
I have these in about equal weights and have to let one or two of these go. Can you please list them in order of selling first to last if you were in my shoes.
Read Answer Asked by Marco on March 26, 2024
Q: I have enough funds to add a half position. Which of the following options would prefer today:
1)Top up LMN to 5%
2)Start a new position in CSU
3) Start a new position in TRI
4) Start a new position in TVK
5)Divide funds between LMN and HPS.A , bringing each up to around 4.4%
Looking for growth with moderate risk. Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Maureen on March 22, 2024
Q: I’m looking to add a Canadian stock with great potential to compound over the next 5 years or more. I already own stocks such as TFII, ATD, BN and CSU. Which do you think has is the best opportunity to start a new position along GSY, DOL or TRI? Or maybe WSP? Please rank and/is there another I should maybe consider?
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on March 18, 2024
Q: I currently have HCAL in a growth orientated TFSA and I don't think this is a good fit.
Currently, I hold Goog, SHOP, LMN & CLS. Do have a few ideas for a stock that could replace the HCAL ETF?
Read Answer Asked by David on March 07, 2024
Q: Please provide me with your 5 of your best Industrial companies and Tech companies
Read Answer Asked by Donna on March 05, 2024
Q: Hi Peter and 5iresearch team:
In your answer to Gerry's question on Feb 16, you mentioned that CSU and ATB have been the best Canadian compounders over the last ten years. You added DOL, BYD, TFII, BN, CLL.B, TRI based on historical performance and you are expecting LMN.V, TVK, HPS.A, TOI, GSY to be potential Canadian compounders in the future.

1. Would YOU still invest in CSU, ATB, DOL, BYD, TFII, BN, CLL.B, TRI with the same conviction and weighting?
2. Could you please provide a similar answer but for the US market? Please provide 10 or so best US compounders based on historical performance that YOU think investors should keep investing in and 5 or so US companies that YOU would buy as potential US compounders in the future.

Thank you for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Ahmed on February 21, 2024
Q: What would you view as being the top Canadian compounders over say a 10-15 year period. I'm thinking CSU and ATD. What others for investors that want compounding growth over many years.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on February 16, 2024
Q: Good afternoon,

Looking for a list of companies with safe , growing dividends and potential for some capital gain - Cdn or American.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Brad on February 14, 2024