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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Thanks to your sage advice, I am up significantly (again) on NVDA. Last year, I let it run up to 10% of my holdings, sold half and purchased VRT (now up 30%). NVDA has now increased to 8% of my portfolio. I understand there are multiple drivers currently at work turbo-charging the price of this stock (earnings, stock split, upcoming DOW listing, forced acquisition by ETFs, etc.). All this prompts three questions. How large would YOU let your NVDA grow as a percentage of your portfolio before trimming? Assuming you wanted to trim, when do you think the stock price will start leveling off (assuming the absence of black swan events)? If you wanted to take some profit and invest it outside tech, what would be your three highest conviction US stocks today? AMZN, MSFT, VRT, GOOG, V, and J already held. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on June 20, 2024
Q: The most recent question I found on USB was August last year. What is your current opinion on USB? Can you compare it to Visa for total possible return over a 5 year period? I presently hold no US financials.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Harvey on June 07, 2024
Q: My current exposure to the US market is through, ZQQ, VFV, VUN, VGG, and GOOG, AMZN, CVS, and BRK CDR’s. I would like to increase my US weighting and have CAD$150,000 to invest and am considering dividing this into equal amounts in V, MA, UNH, PFE, ADBE, and MSFT. Your thoughts on this approach and any other suggestions (5+ year holding period). Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Don on June 03, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I'm trying to clean up my US Portfolio so that I'm at 20-25 equities total. Please advise which 20-25 companies you would keep for a 5-10+ hold with balance/diversification but also some growth in mind.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 30, 2024
Q: What would be your top 10 “sleep at night” stocks for US and Canada?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on April 22, 2024
Q: hi, can I get your picks ( 5 or so?) of US large cap (and/or larger mid-cap) growth stocks that you like for longer term buys with equal or better prospects than GOOGL and META. cheers, Chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on April 19, 2024
Q: Hello,

I'm investing some savings of my mother she doesn't need before many years but we avoid higher risk stocks, she is 75 years.

Actually, she owns BN, GSY, TFII.

Looking to add 1 or 2 stocks to this list. I have been looking to your porfolios and considering ATD, PBH, DOL, PBH, SHOP. CDR could be a nice opportunity with VISA for exemple.

How would you rank them for potential return on 3 to 5 years? Do you see better opportunities?

Read Answer Asked by Francois on April 17, 2024
Q: What is your opinion on the use of CDR's (Canadian Deposit Receipts) for the purchase of US Stocks? Also, what type of accounts would be the most beneficial and be the most risk in the use of them, RRSP, TSFA, RESP, or non-registered accounts?
I've recently purchased Palo Alta, Visa and Adobe using CDR's and it seems to be a way of getting US exposure while avoiding the immediate approximate 30% currency exchange, while using a CAD hedging process.
If you are somewhat positive on CDR's, what other US stocks would be good considerations.

Read Answer Asked by g on April 11, 2024
Q: I have held Visa for many years and made some good capital gains. But the rules have been changing and companies allowing customers to pay by credit card are now allowed to charge those customers an extra 2-3% fee if they want to pay by credit card, in order to offset the fees charged to them by V and MA. Increasingly I am seeing restaurants, retailers and others tell me they will add 2-3% to my bill if I want to pay by credit card. I am seeing this more and more often when I make a purchase and it is causing me to prefer cash to credit, especially when the dollar amount of the purchase is quite substantial and the extra fee, accordingly, is also substantial. Even when the businesses I am dealing with are not charging me this extra amount, I am more inclined than I used to be to pay by cash if the retailer is a small business, just to help them reduce costs.

So my question is how much should I worry that this effect will snowball gradually over the next few years, with a negative effect on V and MA? Both stocks seemed to have plateaued recently. Is it time to replace my V with another stock and if so, what would you recommend as a suitable replacement?
Read Answer Asked by Philip on April 09, 2024
Q: Hi, have some American money, need a few suggestions of companies which are relatively safe, potentially with a dividend, but upward trajectory in near future
Read Answer Asked by Deborah on March 19, 2024
Q: I'M in my retirement years and have accumulated about 28% in Financial sector, which is over what your Portfolio Analysis suggested (12%). Could u give me a ranking of 1 (least prefer) to 5 (most prefer) in terms of Price Growth and Dividend growth Take as many credits as you see fit. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by DAVID on March 19, 2024
Q: Good Morning
These stocks are in my wife's US Riff account
What US stock or stocks would you recommend as an addition to this list?
She is overweight in both finance and tech in her Canadian Riff so looking for alternative suggestions with some growth and a modest dividend?

Read Answer Asked by Marcel on February 21, 2024