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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i Team,

I have a handful of losers that I'm trying to decide what to do with. Using your crystal ball, which of these would you continue to hold and which would you dump?
Read Answer Asked by David on May 03, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I'm trying to clean up my US Portfolio so that I'm at 20-25 equities total. Please advise which 20-25 companies you would keep for a 5-10+ hold with balance/diversification but also some growth in mind.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 30, 2024
Q: What is your opinion of Money Lion? How do its prospects compare to, for example, SQ, STNE, PYPL or PAGS?
Read Answer Asked by David on March 25, 2024
Q: HI folks
Sadly, I am down on all of these somewhere between 60 to 95%!!! They mostly but not all started out as somewhat small positions 2 to 4 years ago! I have time to wait longer but: 1)are there any that are absolute failures and therefore should be sold. 2) Would you please rate the selIs from 1 to 10 ..10 being the absolute SELL. 3)How many years should I give these? (tough to answer but just a guess). I will not get much at all for any of them! Please take as many credits as you see fit.
Much Thanks and happy Family weekend
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on February 21, 2024
Q: I was wondering if you knew much about FedNow. Online it says it will not replace apps like Venmo or Cash App, as it will depend on if your bank and the bank you are sending to opt in. But why would a bank not opt in? It sounds like many banks are already gearing up to implement it this summer. Once fully implemented at US banks, will it be similar to Canadian e-transfers? Why would customers not use it for P2P payments, such as splitting a tab, if it is free, just we we do here in Canada? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on February 07, 2024
Q: For a 3 year hold, how would you rate these stocks, 1 means "forget it", 10 means "high growth expected":,,,, PayPal, afrm, upst?

If possible, what would be a good entry price? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by V on January 15, 2024
Q: In my US denominatedm growth-focused TFSA, I own CRM, PYPL, TOL, AAPL, GOOG, ADBE, QCOM, and NVDA. It is time for me to make my annual contribution.

I am underweight PYPL; should I add to it or replace PYPL with something else? If I should replace it, please suggest two or three good candidates for long-term growth, US-based, sector/cap size unimportant, risk profile somewhere between that of your growth and balanced portfolios. If I remove PYPL, I'd rather add a new position than add to one of my current positions.

In your answer, please do not include MSFT, IBM, PFE or MDT, since I have full positions in these in my other accounts.

I've been a 5i member since 2016 and have been served well by your service; thanks for a great seven years. I remember starting a position in CSU at around $600 and thinking I was 'too late'.

Wishing 5i and all its members all the best for a prosperous 2024.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on January 02, 2024
Q: Hello Peter,
Would the fintech stocks be classified under technology stocks similar to Amazon, Google, etc or are they seen as more financial ? if there is a rotation out of tech, would the fintechs be hit accordingly? Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on December 11, 2023
Q: Hi 5i; I would like your assessment of Fiserv Inc. (FI). It has started to trend up off the lows of 2022 and I am back into positive territory but not certain this is still one to hold. I am interested in the outlook for this stock individually and whether you see it in the top quartile performer in a crowded and competitive space – electronic payments.

I’d also appreciate your comment on the Goodwill number on Sept 30th balance sheet; seems excessive?

Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 07, 2023
Q: Hello Peter
Any idea why Nu Bank holdings is surging as compared to NVEI, LSPD, PYPL etc. Is it because Warren Buffet owns shares in the company? Is it worth starting a position?
Read Answer Asked by umedali on November 01, 2023
Q: I read with interest your recent response about high risk stocks for conservative investors. Me, becoming more a conservative investor (as I enter my 80's but still like growth....hahahaha). With that in mind would you consider the following stocks high risk - LSPD, MX, JWEL, and in the US, MITK, PINS, PYPL, SQ, DLTR, DOCU....Thanks for your take.........Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on August 24, 2023
Q: I always kick myself when I come to realize a missed opportunity and tell myself that next time, i'll recognize the trend and take advantage of it.

This is me asking that question now.

What 5 US and 5 CDN positions, in your opinion are very much out of favour right now but have quality fundamentals with an excellent chance for share appreciation over the next 3 years?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on August 15, 2023
Q: Similar to a question you responded to recently. I hold the above stocks....all in the red....and wondering if I should hold or sell and replace with another stock....and if sell, please suggest a replacement.......Thanks for your insight....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on July 18, 2023
Q: Hello Peter,
In order of preference, which ones would you prefer to buy first: shop, nvei or pypl and what would be the reasoning? Any comments on CSU's acquisition of Optimal blue business.. thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on July 18, 2023
Q: Could you give me your recommendations for the 10 best US medium or large cap companies that pay small or no dividends?
Read Answer Asked by jacques on June 29, 2023
Q: Pins is gaining some momentum.You think it can continue and is it still a good takeover candidate?
Paypal had interest in Pins,or was this never the case?Could you think of any other companies that might be interested in Pins?
What about other companies like SPB and CTS?are they good takeover candidates?
Is brookfield still buying SPB and what is their position right now?
Any other companies that you might think of being take over candidates?
Read Answer Asked by Josh on June 16, 2023