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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi 5i,
These companies are all I have in the tech sector. Can you rank them for me and are they all currently buyable? I’m a long term holder of dividend companies can you recommend a couple more or maybe I should just buy more of what I have. Your help is appreciated!
Read Answer Asked by Mark on July 16, 2024
Q: I'm reviewing my American holdings, looking for long-term (5-10 year++) hold. I like about half of what I have, but I'm looking to - possibly - replace positions in Intel (full position), Verizon (full position), IBM (full position), and Roku (half position). Is that a good idea? My only limits are that I'd like to keep things American, I already own full positions in Google, Costco, and Intuitive Surgical, and I'd like to avoid more healthcare.
Read Answer Asked by Sam on July 09, 2024
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