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Q: Hi Guys,

Thinking of cleaning house, do see any reason to keep these U:US, FOOD.CA, DOC.CA, AC.CA and DOC.CA.


Read Answer Asked by jim on June 11, 2024
Q: I hold Upstart Holdings. It is down 80% from when I bought it. I have continued to hold it as I am hoping it may bounce when rates go down. And with its AI model, am hoping it could do quite well when lending picks up. But I see you really like Propel Holdings and, while a Canadian company, it sounds like most of its business is in the US. Could you compare and contrast the two companies? Would you favor a swap from Upstart to Propel? I also hold Goeasy in the space. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on April 16, 2024
Q: I have this security In my TFSA, sitting at a 78% loss. It now represents 0.25 % of my portfolio.

I am very comfortable financially and do not foresee having to withdraw from my TFSA in the next 20 years.

Other than it being en eyesore, do you feel there is an opportunity cost that comes with continuing to hold it?

How would you proceed, keep it for fun and see if it runs, or sell it?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Karim on February 06, 2024
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