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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello, I have a small position in these four stocks and I'm up about 10 to 15% with all of them. I'd like to sell one to free up some funds. In which order would you recommend selling if you had to? I realize this is only an opinion and not advice. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by David on October 07, 2024
Q: I owned GIB.A, DSG,TOI,LMN,NVDA,DCBO and would like to know if there is an overlap between any of these stocks or do they have their own unique business so all should be owned? I am trying to decide if I should reduce the numbers of tech stocks as I currently have 27 stocks and have read that best to have around 20-25 stocks.

Read Answer Asked on September 30, 2024
Q: Hello,

You run a very interesting service! Thank you!
Please recommend which positions you would add to, at today prices, in descending order (most preferred to least preferred) (thank you Ahn for the question format).
Read Answer Asked by Liliane on September 26, 2024
Q: With the markets at all time highs, are there certain stocks you think people can scoop up or add to that have good growth opportunities at a reasonable price? I know 5i is not usually worried about buying companies at 52 week highs, but it is still something difficult for me!
Read Answer Asked by Mike on September 24, 2024
Q: For each pair, which would you choose today? VRT vs. SMCI, DCBO vs. TCS, NXT vs. BMI. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on September 16, 2024
Q: Any stocks you see that have strong fundamentals and show some god technicals as well ?
Read Answer Asked by blake on September 11, 2024
Q: The following 5 companies make up the majority of my small cap portfolio:
HPS.A - current price $ 113 CAD
TVK - current price $ 95 CAD
Celestica - current price $ 58 CAD
Docebo - current price $ 55 CAD
ADF group - current price $ 12.9
Propel holding- - current price $ 27.29 CAD

Please recommend which positions you would add to, at today prices, in descending order (most preferred to least preferred). Thank you very much and have a good day.

Read Answer Asked by Anh on September 11, 2024
Q: Looking to setup a very concentrated TFSA to drive long term capital gains. Currently holding the above names. TSU has not been nearly as exciting as the other names. Is TSU going to provide outsized capital gains? My thinking is to sell TSU and allocate the funds to the other names equally. If there are others names you would recommend pls do share.
Read Answer Asked by Sal on August 27, 2024
Q: Good Day,

I redid my portfolio early this year based on much of your feedback. And of those picks, Every single one of them was up, most significantly so, at least once, since that time. Some have returned/fell below those buy levels.

1. DRX, HPS, LMN and VRT, seem to have consolidated up a healthy amount, do these appear to be new support levels from which they'll continue to grow? Still Aces in your books?

2. SMCI is furthest from this years high, what are the main barriers it would have to reaching that high again in the coming year? In your opinion is it likely to get there within 12-18months?

3. NXT, CELH, CDNS, DCBO, and ATS all went significantly up, and almost as precipitously down. They seem to languish. I doubled down (half to full) on CELH on the first big drop in April, which seemed worth it in May, but less so now. Do you have faith in these names still? Is their prospect for growth still the same as it was in February? Are there new names in this Growth profile (or what is was in February) that you are more confident in? With your suggestions here, please rank them with these names from highest to lowest prospects/confidence.

4. AMD. Is it worth holding the 2nd fiddle? Would it be better used in something in 1st in a different space? like AVGO or QCOM?

5. DIS. Been very up and down on this half position. Worth going to a full at this point, or would you want to see the ship righted a bit more before increasing? Would you sell a Disney holding?

AMZN, GOOG, NVDA, TVK, DRX, POWL, TCS and CROX all doing their thing for me :), suggestions other than these please.

Thanks for all you do! Please take however many credits you need.

Read Answer Asked by James on August 27, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

Looking at updating/rejigging my TFSA account, are you able to rank the above stocks from 1 - 12, looking at a 3 year hold. These are a mix of some I hold and some I want to purchase. Not worried about size, risk and or industry. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on August 21, 2024
Q: Hello 5i
Can you please give me the expected growth rate for these companies over the next 1-2 years.
Secondly, if you had to raise cash which order would you trim or sell outright?
Thank you so much for all your help!
Read Answer Asked by Dave on August 19, 2024
Q: Looking for tax-loss proxy ideas for CAN: DCBO and US: NXT, SMCI, and PLTR. If there are simply better names to consider as replacements, those would be appreciated as well. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on August 07, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

Looking at starting a new position in a few of the 12 companies tagged. Can you rank from 1 to 12 on which companies you think is the best to start a new position in. No worries on size, industry or risk, looking for capital appreciation only over the next 3 years.

Thanks again!
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on July 15, 2024
Q: I have had the stocks above for long enough to watch them go up and then retreat dramatically after their last quarterly reports. Any thoughts on if taking advantage of the dip with these three is a good strategy or just hold what I have currently? All are underweight in my portfolio. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Stefan on July 10, 2024
Q: What would you consider good entry points for the noted stocks? Is there any you would not purchase at current levels?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on May 23, 2024