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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello,

Given the anticipated AI growth could you provide some names of companies with the largest short to long term growth potential in the following categories:

1. Chip Design
2. Data Processing
3. Business Application Design
4. Data Centers
5. Power Supply (for the Data Centers)

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Irek on October 08, 2024
Q: pleade rank the following list of stocks to sell : SOFI, AFRM, DIS, FROG, CPNG, ALIT, CELH, DKNG. Thanks"
Read Answer Asked by Esther on July 23, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,
Given that interest rates appear to have peaked, please rank the above list for:
1. Growth only
2. Your buying preference.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 16, 2023
Q: I was told that the gov't moratorium on student loans restricted sofi's growth for the past few years. Can you see what % of business is tied to student loans? I was also told that the Supreme Court ruled against government on the moratorium and that interest charges would be payable from Sept. 1. How big of a catalyst do you see this being for sofi?
Thank a lot.
Read Answer Asked by TOM on September 15, 2023
Q: HI,
I need to raise some cash from my registered accounts in the next few weeks. What is your recommended sell order for these stocks?
Also, what are your top 3 Canadian and US recommended buys for a longterm hold?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Camille on June 20, 2023
Q: All of these stocks have been hammered badly. Could you please provide your perspective on each of the listed financial services companies. Are they a buy, sell or hold? in what order would you buy? or would you not buy any of them and prefer something else in the same space. thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on November 04, 2022
Q: I invested some speculative capital in the above companies last year in a taxable account. Terrible timing. As we near the end of the year, I plan to sell some of these for tax loss harvesting and use the funds to average down in the others. Which would you sell and which would you average down?
Also somewhat related to this is the fact that I feel as much as there’s a good buying opportunities in some U.S. stocks right now, the high U.S. dollar makes it hard for me to convert CAD funds to USD. Am I right to hold off on currency conversion for now?
Read Answer Asked by Zohreh on November 02, 2022