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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Looking for your advice on stocks with accelerating capital returns, excluding IT, for 5 year hold.
Read Answer Asked by sam on June 05, 2024
Q: Suppose our extraterrestrial friend, Blaarg, seeks to diversify their portfolio by investing in the U.S. market. Which 12-15 top U.S. stocks would you recommend for them over the next decade? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Esther on May 27, 2024
Q: I am currently underweight Health and Financials in the U.S. Can you please provide your top 3-5 picks for each based on current valuations and considering a 5 year+ timeframe??
Read Answer Asked by Chris on March 12, 2024
Q: Could you formulate who are the direct competitors of Nuvei listed on North America stock market please?

Read Answer Asked by Daniel on March 08, 2024
Q: In terms of growth and quality, what is your strongest long term recommendation for each of the following investment themes:

Artificial intelligence
Cloud computing
Digital payments
Online advertising
Infrastructure rebuild
Alternative/clean energy
Asian consumer spending
Medical needs of an aging population

My preference is for single stock ideas (US, Canadian or international) rather than ETFs, if possible.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on January 31, 2024
Q: I currently hold all these stocks, with the exception of elf. I came up with the thanks in large part to 5i as these are names that have come up in various Q&As. If you had to pick only 10 to hold long term (which for me is 1 year), what would be your ten? The 10 should be those that are the best expected performs regardless of diversification or risk. Just the top 10. Alternately., would you suggest holding them all but with different weightings and if so please comment on a suggested weighting.

My plan was to hold 10 with 10% in each but I’m not married to that idea.

Thank you kindly.

Read Answer Asked by Jason on January 08, 2024
Q: I have partial psitions in these Financial stocks. Would you add to the Financial sector at this stage? I have full positions in large Canadian banks. Which from my list or any others that you like would you be comfortable adding to full positions. Please rank those that you would be comfortable adding to full positiond today and target buy prices for any others that you still like.
Happy New Year and thanks.
Read Answer Asked by sam on January 01, 2024
Q: Hello Peter,
Would the fintech stocks be classified under technology stocks similar to Amazon, Google, etc or are they seen as more financial ? if there is a rotation out of tech, would the fintechs be hit accordingly? Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on December 11, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,

Can you provide some US names that you feel are trading at a discount today, are well managed companies with a runway for growth and are suitable for a long term investor. A few small, mid, and large cap companies would be appreciated, irrespective of sector.

Read Answer Asked by Regan on November 08, 2023
Q: Hi 5i; I would like your assessment of Fiserv Inc. (FI). It has started to trend up off the lows of 2022 and I am back into positive territory but not certain this is still one to hold. I am interested in the outlook for this stock individually and whether you see it in the top quartile performer in a crowded and competitive space – electronic payments.

I’d also appreciate your comment on the Goodwill number on Sept 30th balance sheet; seems excessive?

Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 07, 2023
Q: Can you please provide 5 mid or large cap stock picks that have dropped recently due to the market downturn and could possibly recover as the next quarter earnings come out or as the interest rate environment peaks. US and/or Cdn stocks.
Read Answer Asked by Vineet on October 06, 2023