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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi 5i,
Both are supposed to be economically equivalent, with the A shares having 1/10 the voting power. I would think that the A shares would be more liquid, but that is not the case. The premium for the regular common (non-A) is much larger. I currently have the non-A class; would it make sense to sell and by the A class to capture the premium? Or am I just overthinking it?

Read Answer Asked by Wayne on July 18, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i,

Can you list your 5 best managed US and 5 best managed Canadian publicly traded companies. Also please briefly explain why they make your list.

Read Answer Asked by Duane on July 03, 2024
Q: Portfolio analyzer says I need more industrials. I already have a 3-4% position in CNR. What other names in industrial would you suggest and their price points for entry please? can be both US and CA.
Read Answer Asked by Anh on June 27, 2024
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