Looking to purchase a couple stocks in my US dollar trading account, are you able to rank the above stocks from 1 to 12. Don't worry about size, industry or risk, will be holding for 3 years. Thanks so much!
We sold two stocks that had were poor performers but they improved in the past few months in our RRSP. Can you rank the following stocks to purchase if we were to initiate a 1/4 position today for a 5-year hold? Our intention is to start 2 or 3 positions to see where they go, and add funds to the best two over time.
Would the ranking be the same for a TFSA or non-reg account?
Q: Hi 5i
Thoughts on TEAM? Would you put it on watch...It's not one of my finest and with a tech heavy weight could provide funds for another name.
Q: It seems that small cap stocks are finding some legs. Could you provide 4 CND, 4 US and and some EFT ideas that might be able to take advantage of this trend
Q: Ulta Beauty keeps dropping - it's down 20% from same time last year, and I'm down 26%. Do you see a concerning trend? Do you think the funds would be better deployed elsewhere? Thanks!
Q: I've read recent Q&A on ULTA, and agree about why the stock price has been weak. I'm looking long term here though, and will consider a potential buy(s) at certain technical levels. But first...
- What is 5i's attraction to this stock? It seems highly recommended.
- How solid is the balance sheet?
- What are its growth plans?
- Much competition?
- Is this considered a mid-cap? Just trying to get a sense of size and future stability.
Looking at starting a new position in a few of the 12 companies tagged. Can you rank from 1 to 12 on which companies you think is the best to start a new position in. No worries on size, industry or risk, looking for capital appreciation only over the next 3 years.
Q: How should one employ the forward price to sales multiple to determine value? What I’m trying to figure out is when to avoid a stock that has gone over its skis as they say. Take stocks from ultra to pstg to Crwd - we go from 1 x earnings to 23 x. By that gauge, one presumably buy Ultra. But when I think of value, I remember how I once bought Rim over Apple because the former looked cheaper. Can you comment on any guideline for us of this metric? Thank you,
Q: Many Consumer brands are under pressure but will turn around at some point soon. Any guess as to how far out? What to watch for? Could you rank and add thoughts behind your best overall pick to accumulate... Is there another company you would also consider at this time?
Q: I have two stocks in a registered account that seem to have stalled: J and HD. Both are up over time (J up 50%, HD 75%) but there hasn't been much movement lately. Given the absence of tax consequences, is it time to move on? And if yes, please provide two US industrials and two US consumer cyclicals to replace them. (AMZN already held.) Thank you.
Q: Looking to strictly optimize growth over next 3-5 years. Please rank potential of these favourites from current valuations: TIH, URI, ULTA, BKNG, UBER, ESTC, ASPN, FLUT, CROX, TRI, TFII
Q: I have some USD cash from selling USD tech stocks. I still hold quite a few US tech stocks.
I would like to purchase some non-tech US companies for a long-term 5+ year hold.
Can you please recommend good non-tech US companies for me to consider buying?
Q: I see that you like ULTA, and i've been looking into it a bit. I agree that there is quite a bit to like with the company. But the one part i'm a little hung up on is the growth potential and past performance. Any time frame in the last 5 years (11%) has not been very good. But if we look out much longer at the 10 year (316%) and beyond it looks much better. I see that the valuation is quite attractive, compared to their historical valuation. But I wonder based on the last 5 years if the growth isn't behind them. Why do you think they've underperformed for the last 5 years, and why do you think that is going to change going forward? Thx!
Q: Like every investor, I'm trying to maximize growth while minimizing risk.
Of the following stocks, which do you believe provides the optimal combination of safety AND growth over the next 3-5 years? Please rate each for risk/growth on a scale of 1-10: LLY, ULTA, CELH, BKNG and NXT. Thank you.