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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This excellent question was answered by your team on oct 30 th.
"I'm wondering if you could suggest 20 Canadian stocks, with a minimum yield of 3.5%, that you would purchase NOW. This list could include ETFs."
I shall ask a similar question but for only 12 US stocks or ETFs in my TFSA ,the goal being safety+ dividends + some growth ,many thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on October 31, 2023
Q: Hi - these two companies, while being similar in business plan, seem to act very differently. can you help me understand why DG seems to perform so much worse? What is making DG seem to be such a weakling while DOL holds firm?
Read Answer Asked by Doug on September 01, 2023
Q: As a follow up to my question on Target. What would be a replacement for it? I am a dividend investor with some growth stocks. I aleady have NWC, PEP, PBH and PG. Should I just add to NWC as it is low right now with the 4% dividend, add equally to these or is there a particualr peference of another such as KO?
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on August 18, 2023
Q: TD advises that "growth at LEG (Leggatt & Platt) is below the industry average, and worse, is declining. The most recent EPS was $2.00, a decrease of -32.4% YOY.

Should I be kicking this one out of US portion of portfolio? If so, why?

Looking for steady income in US dollars.

If I'm kicking out LEG, what else might you suggest?


Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on July 14, 2023
Q: Which company to buy at this time for near term price appreciation. Any other suggestions in consumer staples. Your PA suggests I should increase consumer staples (no staples in my portfolio at this time).
Read Answer Asked by satish on June 02, 2023
Q: Hello 5i
I am up $10,000 in the above companies and with 35 others I am up $125,000 in total in a $1,000,000 portfolio. Previously before the downturn I was up $800,000. I am a 77 year old value investor with a good pension.
Question: Should I take the $125,000 off the table, put it in an Oaken savings account at 3.4% and leave the rest invested?
thank you
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on March 20, 2023
Q: The initial investment on these and others has doubled. I do not require the funds immediately. I know these are outstanding companies. Each makes up 2% to 3% of the portfolio that is up by 10.5%. In this environment do you still abide by the statement "let the winners run", even to this extent. Should they be trimmed back to the initial cost, or should they be replaced? There are sixty positions in the portfolio balanced through all 11 sectors. I am a 77 year old dividend value investor.
Thank you for all your great input
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on January 25, 2023
Q: Hi group assuming some sort of recession next year along with present pullback what is your top 10 picks in order of preference / Entry points $ targets. Ignore sectors and US verses Canada Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on December 19, 2022
Q: Hi:

Are you able to list a few factors that let Costco trade at P/E of ~37X while TD Bank trades at ~9.5x and pays a superior dividend to Costo? It "feels" like TD is a bargain but obviously day after day someone / some algorithm feels Costco stock provides equally good value.

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Marilou on December 14, 2022
Q: Can you supply a few suggestions of dividend stocks that may be good to purchase during tax loss selling? Canadian and US if possible.
A few growth stocks would be a good balance to this question as well! Thanks, James
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on November 28, 2022
Q: could you suggest a few canadian and us equities you would recommend today for a balanced approach, and a brief supporting comment...thank you
Read Answer Asked by Steven on November 10, 2022
Q: I have some $US to invest. What would you recommend? And why?

Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by christianne on October 12, 2022
Q: Understanding that we are currently seeing significant negative sentiment and volatility, can you please rank your current top Cdn and U.S. quality-name buying opportunity candidates that will reward patient investors with 3-5 year time horizons?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on September 26, 2022
Q: Hello Peter and company,

Aside from Costco, can you recommend other U.S. retail stocks that you like for a long term hold?

Have a great long weekend
Read Answer Asked by Angelo on September 06, 2022
Q: Hi there, what do you think about buying this ETF for broad defensive exposure in a diversified portfolio? Do you think it has room to run up over the next 1-2 year or so? Are there any other cons staple etfs or specific stocks that might offer better growth and dividend?

Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by Robert on September 02, 2022
Q: Hi Peter,

It looks like capitulation is nearing. There isn't anywhere to hide anymore.

Would you wait for further drops in WMT, TGT, COST, L, and PBM or is it a good time to jump in on some or all of the these names?

Can you rank the stocks in order of preference for a 3-5 year or more hold in an RRSP? Would you purchase any of the stocks for a TFSA at this time?

Thank you
Debbie and Jerry
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on May 19, 2022
Q: When you call them an expensive sector that is not so safe for investing until investors re-consider the valuations. When you compare their PE'S with what is being held in the growth portfolio i have to call this the expensive sector and maybe not so safe sector. I feel this market is not that safe until, inflation is under control, interest rates finish rising, covid is under control in China, supply chain issues are fixed, high oil prices, and the war in Russia. The market cannot fight all of the above.
Read Answer Asked by eugene on May 19, 2022