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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi folks
I am looking to park some US cash in a high dividend or interest US ETF that pays monthly. May I have a few ideas
Much thanks
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on May 15, 2024
Q: Is there an ETF similar to SPHD (larger companies with low volatility), however is focused outside of the US (and Canada) that you would recommend? Preferably with a yield over 3.5-4%. I hold VIU for general exposure however moving to retirement and am looking for a bit more income focus.
Read Answer Asked by Samir on February 02, 2024
Q: This excellent question was answered by your team on oct 30 th.
"I'm wondering if you could suggest 20 Canadian stocks, with a minimum yield of 3.5%, that you would purchase NOW. This list could include ETFs."
I shall ask a similar question but for only 12 US stocks or ETFs in my TFSA ,the goal being safety+ dividends + some growth ,many thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on October 31, 2023
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