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Q: Hi, hold enough EIF that I want to divest and diversify. Looking for high growth over the next 4-5 years, but not as interested in dividends. I also hold a fair bit of CSU and gsy, so am thinking along those lines. What would be a good ranking for the following at today's prices (best to worst), and are there another couple additions you'd suggest? Big thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Petra on July 23, 2024
Q: I was doing a high level look at my portfolio in terms of recent vs 3, 5, and 10 yr CAGR and saw what I expected from stellar performers like CSU, TRI, WSP, IFC and DSG. What surprised me was seemingly declining longer term performance (ie pre-dating interest rate changes) from FTS, QSR, GIB.A, and EIF. The balance of the portfolio is holding it’s own or is cyclical or I can see a path to renewed growth/performance. Are the four named really lagging or am I looking at the wrong metrics? If you agree they might be considered to be faltering versus past performance can you suggest “growthier” replacements without going too far out the risk scale? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on July 23, 2024
Q: Hello 5i...with respect to Cdn Industrials...I am looking to consolidate 9 positions into 6 to 7 holdings...thaey are ( largest to smaillest holding ) WSP, TFII, EIF, ATS, CJT, HPS.A, TRI, TVK, DRX, I am looking for some sort of combo of stable growth ( I have good gains in WSP and TFII and will hold, but could trim ) and potential exceptional growth. Would appreciate if you could rank based on growth and how you might see a consolidation effort for these.

One option being considered is to move completely out of CJT and /or ATS to US industrials and looking at potentials FIX or TT... would like your opinion on this move and if you have preference for one or another suggested potential US industrial ( I already hold AXON )

Read Answer Asked by Arthur on July 22, 2024
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