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5i Recent Questions
Q: This excellent question was answered by your team on oct 30 th.
"I'm wondering if you could suggest 20 Canadian stocks, with a minimum yield of 3.5%, that you would purchase NOW. This list could include ETFs."
I shall ask a similar question but for only 12 US stocks or ETFs in my TFSA ,the goal being safety+ dividends + some growth ,many thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on October 31, 2023
Q: Hi - these two companies, while being similar in business plan, seem to act very differently. can you help me understand why DG seems to perform so much worse? What is making DG seem to be such a weakling while DOL holds firm?
Read Answer Asked by Doug on September 01, 2023
Q: As a follow up to my question on Target. What would be a replacement for it? I am a dividend investor with some growth stocks. I aleady have NWC, PEP, PBH and PG. Should I just add to NWC as it is low right now with the 4% dividend, add equally to these or is there a particualr peference of another such as KO?
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on August 18, 2023
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