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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Following up on all the other TD questions today on the US you think the future looks more like Wells Fargo when their growth was curbed (and it proceeded to lag for many years)? Or would you be a buyer now based on the recent underperformance and the known outcome (penalties). Bottom
Read Answer Asked by Doug on October 11, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I'm trying to clean up my US Portfolio so that I'm at 20-25 equities total. Please advise which 20-25 companies you would keep for a 5-10+ hold with balance/diversification but also some growth in mind.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 30, 2024
Q: This excellent question was answered by your team on oct 30 th.
"I'm wondering if you could suggest 20 Canadian stocks, with a minimum yield of 3.5%, that you would purchase NOW. This list could include ETFs."
I shall ask a similar question but for only 12 US stocks or ETFs in my TFSA ,the goal being safety+ dividends + some growth ,many thanks
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on October 31, 2023
Q: Dear Peter et al:

Thanks to your consistent answers not only to my questions but to other subscribers, I have taken a position in RY, BN and TD. BNS may follow soon.

However having browsed through literally hundreds of questions on US Financial stocks, I don't see the same consistent answers. JPM seems to get your nod mostly. Even that doesn't get the nod with the fervor with which you endorse RY for example. In general you seem to be less enthusiastic about the US big banks.

What are the US banks that you would rank in the same order as you often do in Canadian banks? i.e. equivalent to RY/TD/BNS.

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Savalai on June 29, 2023
Q: Good afternoon.

Please provide me with a list of your top - rock solid - US Banks.

Are there any with a yield of 4% or greater that will have dividend and price growth.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on March 02, 2023
Q: Given the recent developments in Ukrain and financial sactions on Russia there has been a decline in US financials such as Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo. Given uncertertainty around current eents do you think its good to continue to hold, divest and/or purchase more of one or both of these two financial institutions?
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on March 02, 2022
Q: Which one do you prefer or both? Your opinion is much appreciated, Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Saad on November 08, 2021
Q: Hello, I've made 12% gains in delta airlines, 60% gains in JP Morgan and 41% gains in Wells Fargo. Do you think there is more upside in those position ? I wan't to get more cash in my margin account and look for more growth quality stocks. What do you recommend I do with those stocks ? Thanks !
Read Answer Asked by jean on March 13, 2021
Q: I am looking to alter my financial holdings into November and currently hold. 1 % position in WFC, BMO, BNS, FSZ, and SLF. I am considering replacing BMO and BNS after/before month end respectively and taking up positions in IVZ and JPM on any pull back.
What would your advice be, and/or do you have any more preferred suggestions?

Thank you in advance

Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 19, 2020
Q: Ifn the event we are seeing a shift from growth to value stocks could you identify five value stocks in Canada and the US that would make good investments at this time?

Thanks for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on August 12, 2020
Q: These banks have been "hammered" in the recent downturn (for good reason due to prospective loan losses, and near zero rates). That said, do you see the Fed mandating dividend cuts/eliminations in the future here, or is the market just really skittish about it? They all look "cheap" right now, but an elimination of the dividend would be a real reason for me to leave this space if it were as distinct possibility vs. a "tail risk". What is your take on this and these companies - do you see much risk in dividend cuts here? Or is it just a reflexive thought in that the European banks were mandated to eliminate dividends...
Read Answer Asked by David on June 15, 2020
Q: Investors seem very nervous about Wells Fargo. Just today (May 14th) someone on this site expressed some trepidation. What’s your opinion about buying Wells Fargo bonds at this time? One is for a three year hold, the other for six years. If Wells merged with another bank, how would that affect those bonds? Some are speculating that Wells could be another Lehman waiting to happen. Does that have any merit? Are their bonds safe? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on May 15, 2020
Q: Wells Fargo has taken a big hit recently. Do you think it might be worth buying some shares in this bank? Is the dividend yield (currently at about 7.4%) sustainable?

I have held BNS for quite some time and am down about 20%. Just wondering if I should add to my position (about 1% of my portfolio) or sell. I am assuming that the high dividend will keep being paid (as most experts say Canadian banks don't cut dividends).
Read Answer Asked by BRYAN on May 04, 2020