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5i Recent Questions
Q: What is your current opinion of - is it a good investment or would you have alternatives that are better?
Read Answer Asked by Reg on June 28, 2024
Q: I am finalizing RRIF portfolio focusing on safety and yield. I am trying to decide between Canoe Income fund and SLF. Performance-wise they look similar to me but with EIT having a higher yield. I would value your advice on selecting one of these unless you have an even better suggestion then that would be welcome as well. Thanks for all you do! Dan
Read Answer Asked by Dan on May 28, 2024
Q: My wife has been diagnosed with dementia and on a waiting list for LTC. I'm thinking of setting up her TFSA for monthly income to top up her government pensions.
Thinking of eit.un, zwu, zwe . Harvest and Horizon have higher yields but I am concerned about sustainability. Your thought please.
Thank you for your good works.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 23, 2024
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