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5i Recent Questions
Q: In my TFSA,I have the DRIP turned on.My plan is to have ,half a dozen or so companies or ETF'S which lend themselves well to the DRIP account for the next 4 years, wanting conservative growth.
I currently have FIE,PZA AND EIF.
Are you comfortable with these holdings,and suggest some other names? Thankyou
Read Answer Asked by Steve on May 27, 2024
Q: Two questions,
Most Reits have not performed well in the last year,I hold Riocan and it seems to have done worse than most. I want some exposure to real estate going forward-Would it be a good idea to switch to another Reit at this time?If so,any suggestions?

FIE has done well for me,but has high management fee's. Would it be prudent to switch to something a little safer with lower fee's,like CPD or? Thankyou
Read Answer Asked by Steve on January 30, 2024
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