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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have TER in my portfolio for many yrs and doing very well. I would like to take 1/2 position in an other semi. Could you comment on the four company mentioned above
Read Answer Asked by ray on July 19, 2024
Q: I presently have $66,000 to invest and am looking at these stocks to buy. Please place them in order of preference . Best choices first and if there is some you would not buy at present prices ? I could have an extra $5,000 available if I sold my DDOG. Is it a hold or sell ? Thanks for your help !
Read Answer Asked by Frank on June 10, 2024
Q: I would like to add another tech name. With software being weak as of late, I was thinking of either ADBE or CRWD but would be open to another suggestion or two as well. I currently own GOOG, TSM, AMZN, and MSFT.. VRT and BKNG as well even tho they aren't really tech names. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Martin on June 05, 2024
Q: I own this stock, have bought it at a low price so I'm still even on it. Don't need the cash but don't want a dog either. Do you think this has long term upside ? Buy, sell or hold ?
Read Answer Asked by Bernie on May 08, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I'm trying to clean up my US Portfolio so that I'm at 20-25 equities total. Please advise which 20-25 companies you would keep for a 5-10+ hold with balance/diversification but also some growth in mind.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 30, 2024
Q: Are these companies worth buying on their pullbacks? Realize that they are not in your North American coverage but aren't they borderline monopolies in the global semiconductor industry and perhaps a lower risk way to play the boom in AI? Thinking of the picks and shovel companies during the gold rush.
Read Answer Asked by Stefan on April 22, 2024
Q: I currently hold a half postion in Google, Mircrosoft and Meta. Im looking starting a half position in Intel. What is your thought on Intel for a least a 5 year hold.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on April 11, 2024
Q: 1. Please let me know your thoughts on the best choices of Semi Conductor and Related Companies to own going forward...

2. What would be the Core Holdings going into this Ai moment +

3. Please Rate companies I have listed as Must Own 1, to 5 as Worst...

4. How do you feel about the Valuations and Stock Price of the Current companies listed...

5. Awaiting your answers..., Do You think it is best to wait for a pull back on certain stocks in the list, That may be core holdings for future...

Thanks in advance,
Read Answer Asked by michael on March 18, 2024
Q: Would these be good candidates for a TFSA ?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 05, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
not sure if you are comfortable giving ideas regarding International Large Caps stocks but I would like to do further research on Non-USA, Non-CAD that might meet the following criteria;
1. International stock that has a min. 10 to 15Y Total Return better than SP500.
2. Stock must be investable; meaning it is easy to buy from USA or CDN exchange with decent liquidity.
I already found the following which seem to meet these criteria; ACN, LVMUY, NOVO, Happy holidays!
Read Answer Asked by Ian on December 13, 2023
Q: Good Morning Peter & team,

Have $6000 to add and do not have enough exposure to chip manufacturing. Was thinking about QCOM but read a few of your comments and don't necessarily like they're dependency on cell phone. NVIDIA has had the big run up along with a few of the other popular names. Is there a late bloomer/less popular name you might recommend for a 3 - 5 year hold if not longer? Growth is the priority.

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on November 16, 2023
Q: I have done very well with AVGO as a long-term hold in my RRIF but the recent speculation about GOOGL's intention to phase out AVGO chips and replace them with its own design has made me nervous. AAPL has been doing this too, so it makes me wonder if it is time to sell at least a part of my holding. What other semiconductor maker would be less prone to "taking in-house" risks? CSCO maybe? It is clear that both AVGO and CSCO have been and are making big acquisitions in the software space to diversify away from semiconductor risk: this makes me wonder if I should just stay the course and trust AVGO management? As always, I value your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by David on September 26, 2023
Q: Good day 5i,

I currently hold positions in 5 semi-conductor companies: Nvidia, ASML, AMD, Taiwan Semi and Axcelis. I'd like to concentrate the positions in order to make the remaining positions more meaningful. However, I like all of these companies and feel they all have great growth ahead. If you were to concentrate this group, which would you sell? With those funds, in what order would you add to the others? Or would you keep all of them?

Growth-oriented investor, comfortable with volatility.

Thank you for your insights,
Read Answer Asked by Doris on July 30, 2023
Q: I have a 5% position in cash, and am looking at the above three positions for medium term growth (1-3 years). I understand that these have different risk factors, but taking risk out of the equation, would you split the position, and if so, how. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 19, 2023
Q: NVDA has become 10% of my portfolio. Too often, I have sold too early, and too often I have not sold, and lost the gain. What to do! I wonder if it's a good idea to trim and buy some TSM, or AMD, or is there another company I should be looking at? Or, if so many are at the point of entering NVDA, does that mean it just makes sense to hold a little longer and reevaluate regularly?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 06, 2023
Q: Hello Peter and team,

Mr. Kim Bolton who has my respect as a guest on BNN, suggested yesterday that one may want to take some profits off NVDA and re-direct the cash to AMD/ADI. Not sure if he said TSM in the same Q&A or added later. I am of course paraphrasing his response. Any opinions on these companies or comments about such a strategy? Do these companies pass your writing covered call approach?
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on June 09, 2023