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5i Recent Questions
Q: I am presently down 61% on SMCI . What do you think of this company and is it a sell or hold ? I also hold QCOM, but not under on this one. Any thoughts on this one ?
LRCX , I'm down 17%, the chart looks good on it .Sell or hold ? If I were to sell any of them, please give me 5 choices of stocks in the same categories. Thanks guys.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on September 22, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team,

Curious why Tiny has been falling over the past month?

Also have some INTC shares from long ago, I would hate to sell at the bottom, but wondering if it is time to move on to something else - any recommendations?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Evan on August 29, 2024
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