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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi Peter,
Is US dividend stocks suitable for RRIF with no withholding tax? My thinking is that US dividend does not receive any tax benefits in non registered account and is taxed like interest income. With on-shoring and tariffs, US inflation will not eased too much, and may go up again in the next few years. Hence, interest rate will not be much lower and consumers spending will be weaker for longer. Giving this scenario, and for my RRIF account, what will be your top picks for US dividend paying stocks with solid balance sheets, that will able to maintain their share price and dividend payments through a mild recession? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Willie on July 10, 2024
Q: There are some really beaten down stocks that have been known as "blue chip" investments over the years. Which of these stocks do you feel represent the best opportunity in order of priority buy.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on July 08, 2024
Q: pCELH seems to be in a good sub-category of consumer discretionary focussed on fitness, weight loss, and wellness.

They seem to have a good advertising and social media strategy:

The recent distribution deal with Pepsi-Co should bring new growth opportunities, and all financial metrics look great.

I was really interested in this company until I heard the Celsius management team speak to investors on a recent investor call (Everecore ISI). They did not sound very mature or well prepared.

Putting that aside, would you see any problem to own both monster, and Celsius since they are going after different demographics? Is Celsius the Lululemon of energy drinks - possibly minus the management team?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 25, 2024
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