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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, I was wondering what your suggestion would be to do with Inmode at this time? I hold this in a non registered account with a loss of 45%. Is it time to move on from this stock at this level or do you see any likelihood of a bounce in this name in the short to medium term. I hold a half position in Well and a half position in Abbvie would you add the funds to one of these or start a new position in Vertex or a beaten down stock in the sector such as Bristol Myers? Thank you for you guidance?
Read Answer Asked by Harry on June 04, 2024
Q: INMD released some negative pre earnings release news today. Basically warning that they are lowering guidance and it sounds like the ER will be lower than expected. Its another gut punch to shareholders. Do you think this is still a hold since they are saying its going to take a few more quarters for their new platform launch to contribute to earnings. Or is this another red flag amongst a few and maybe time to look elsewhere? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Adam on April 10, 2024
Q: I mean this looks far more serious than just the stock going lower for no apparent reason. Seems to me there's trouble in the henhouse. Should we be concerned?

"Mar. 10, 2023, The Capitol Forum reported that prior to Feb. 2023 InMode had not been submitting mandatory reports to the FDA regarding injuries and malfunctions stemming from the use of its devices. The report also observed "a search of personal injury lawsuits filed against InMode over the last several years indicates the company has been aware of dozens more alleged serious injuries that it never reported to the FDA."
Then, on Oct. 12, 2024 The Capitol Forum published another investigative report finding that "far from charging full price for its products, InMode heavily discounts almost every device it sells and expects sales representatives to discount devices anywhere from 16% and 40% off the 'list price[]'" and "[a]ccording to one former salesperson at InMode 'the price is basically whatever the customer can get financing for.'"
These events sent the price of InMode shares sharply lower."
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on April 08, 2024
Q: Please rank these healthcare stocks in terms of long term growth potential (5-10 years or more): EW, ISRG, IDXX, GEHC, ZTS, ABT, TMO, ATRI, GMED, INMD
Read Answer Asked by Brian on March 20, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

Thank you for taking time to answer so many questions on top stocks to own or purchase. We read through questions on ranking popular stocks but we were not able to formulate a priority list of CDN and US small cap stocks, especially with so many rising quickly in the last couple of months.

Based on current valuations, risk, growth potential, and management, in what order would you purchase the stocks below for a 2-5 year hold? If there are too many stocks, can you please list your top 10 or 12 in priority from the list?


Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on March 04, 2024
Q: Can you give your comments around INMD's earnings release. Seems they expecting more conservative quarters, rev dropped, but not all bad and close to expected. They now have close to 1/3 of their market cap in cash, yet still no buybacks or plan. I'm wondering if things are starting to look bad here or just a bump in the road and you'd still hold? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Adam on February 14, 2024
Q: Hi,
You may have seen an article in The Globe about KSS. It linked Stephen Harper chaired Hedge fund with a connection to Carl Ichan's protege and such. It is trading around 26 USD. It apparently rejected an offer of 64$. They wanted 70 $ which didn't materialize. I scanned the Q&A section and I don't see anything recently.

There seems to be a decent risk reward trade here.

What is the downside risk and if not KSS what are your other choices? Do you think KSS will be taken over by Stephen Harper's Hedge fund? Your guess is a lot better than mine!!

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on February 08, 2024
Q: I am looking for new healthcare stocks after selling Lantheus and InMode in the last 6 months. I currently own WELL. Quite a few have had a good run up lately so not sure if they are good buys at current valuations. What are recommendations? US or CAD, doesn’t matter. Should I buy an ETF instead?
Thank you in advance
Read Answer Asked by Neil on January 15, 2024
Please also advise if any of these don't need to sell.(TAX REASON)
Highly appreciate your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on December 18, 2023
Q: If you did a US version of the 5i Balanced/Income/Growth portfolio setup, to which of the three portfolios would you assign the above stocks ? At approximately what weighting ? Are there any that you wouldn't consider ? Please ignore sector diversification.
Many thanks, as always.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on December 13, 2023
Q: Hi

With the stock in freefall and it location, do you think INMD is a possible takeout candidate?

As I hold it in my TFSA I cannot claim a tax loss.

I am thinking of biting the bullet and holding for a few more quarters to see what happens. In addition we are in the tax loss selling season that only puts more stress on the share price.

In your view is there anything wrong with my thinking.

Thanks again.


Read Answer Asked by Mike on December 08, 2023
Q: Hello, I have some money to deploy and have picked the above lucky 13 stocks. Are you able to put them in order in which you would purchase them (1 to 13). I know there is a wide range of companies, industries and cap size. This would be in a cash account and looking for capital gains over the next 3 years. I'm okay with lots of risk in this account.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on November 29, 2023
Q: I sold LNTH 30 days ago to harvest the tax loss. I am looking for one more name to fill my healthcare allotment. I currently own ABBV, ISRG, WELL and SIS. Which do you like best between LNTH, DXCM and INMD, which are three names that you have been highlighting over the past several months? I am looking for potentially higher growth and am willing to take on the additional risk. Any other name(s) would certainly be welcome.

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 27, 2023
Q: CROX,DG,FOX.F,INMD,IRSG,ICLN,PERI,OPRA,PDF.Which looser not to sell, which to buy back?
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on November 21, 2023
Q: For the listed companies, what would be your ranking in-terms of attractiveness if adding to a portfolio today?
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on November 13, 2023
Q: Long investor trying my best to hang in there in with some of my dog stocks. Down significantly in Matterport 85%. Guardant Health 29%. Canada Goose 45%. Inmode 40%. Southwest Airlines 40%. Viemed 32%.
My 5i membership has been a stalwart of sound reason over the years, and I’ve appreciated your take on some companies that nose dive, but you feel are worthy of hanging onto, even if it takes a year or more. (ROKU and PINS spring to mind). With some potential tax loss harvesting coming up, which of the following would you think could be a re-buy, and which could be saluted and sent off to oblivion after the sale? I’m consigned now to doing either.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on November 07, 2023
Q: I'm an INMD shareholder and like most aspects of the company. The one part I don't love is mgmt's choice to hold so much cash and not buy back shares at these historically prices for the share price. In the recent conf call the CEO was asked again about buybacks and the growing cash hoard. He replied with some very non technical anecdotal examples of him seeing some random companies in the past that bought back shares and the share price never went up. So because of this he feels buybacks are not a good use of capital. He also states they are still looking for m&a. This makes me question the mgmt a bit. It makes me wonder if he's the best steward of capital for the company. Strong mgmt in the companies I own is important to me and something like this makes me wonder if he will end up chasing some m&a deal because they won't look at buybacks at such an opportune time for the company. What are your thoughts on the ceo's comments and do comments like this from mgmt make you second guess their abilities? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Adam on November 03, 2023