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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Team,

Looking at starting a new position in a few of the 12 companies tagged. Can you rank from 1 to 12 on which companies you think is the best to start a new position in. No worries on size, industry or risk, looking for capital appreciation only over the next 3 years.

Thanks again!
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on July 15, 2024
Q: Looking to strictly optimize growth over next 3-5 years. Please rank potential of these favourites from current valuations: TIH, URI, ULTA, BKNG, UBER, ESTC, ASPN, FLUT, CROX, TRI, TFII

Read Answer Asked by John on July 03, 2024
Q: Do you thing Small/Mid cap companies will do well in next 2 to 3 years?

What are your top 5 Canadian and US names in this space that you would buy today?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on June 26, 2024
Q: Hi 5i

What would be your top 5 undervalued US growth stocks with good fundamentals that you would buy for a 5 year hold?
No specific sector required.

Thanks for all you do!
Read Answer Asked by Josh on June 17, 2024
Q: Please comment on ESTC most recent earnings. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Larry M. on June 10, 2024
Q: A couple of unrelated laggards...

Is ESTC a show me stock or would you be comfortable with a starter position as of today?

I own NXT but looking to add another position. Do you like SHLS? It is cheap if this solar move has legs. FSLR has moved far and fast. Would you buy into this or pick an alternative at this point?

thx, Mark
Read Answer Asked by Mark on May 27, 2024
Q: Hello Peter, Ryan, and the Fab 5i Team:

If investing $5K USD today for a three year hold in a TFSA, in which order might you add to these holdings:


Thanks very much for your excellent service!

Read Answer Asked by Bradley on May 24, 2024
Q: Hello,

What are your favourite US small and mid caps. And what would be your ranking for putting money to work?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by James on April 29, 2024
Q: I would like to put some money to use. I have put the above list together. Can you rank which ones you would purchase from 1st to last?

Read Answer Asked by sean on April 16, 2024
Q: Over the last couple of months and as a result of comments made here I have started positions in the above five companies with funds allocated to higher growth potential/higher potential volatility etc.

Four of the five have done very well so thank you. In keeping with your philosophy of pulling the weeds and watering the flowers I have a couple of questions:

1) Would you sell ESTC at this point in time and realocate the funds to one of the four flowers or to a "new" high reward potential investment you would suggest?

2) The ESTC issue aside, would you be adding to any of these flowers at this point in time and in which order?

Thanks for guidance over these last number of years,

Read Answer Asked by Terry on April 08, 2024
Q: You recommended about a month ago the above stocks
Would you still purchase these and can you rank them in order of which to buy first?
ESTC seems to have fallen a lot- is it still a buy?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Indra on March 22, 2024
Q: Wealthsimple approached me with an 0.5% cash offer on the totality of my investments if i moved my accounts with them. The accounts - Cash non reg, + TFSA + RRSP are being transferred in kind. They tell me that they ELASTIC N V ORDINARY SHARES (in my RRSP) cannot be held at wealthsimple. I either have to liquidate the shares and maintain the transfer, or leave the shares in my RRSP at my current institution (investorline)

The ESTC shares are down 20% in my RRSP. so can't harvest a loss.

How would you proceed? If you decide to sell the shares, what would you move into? I am very tech heavy, but enjoy the risk and the rich rewards that come with being tech heavy,

If replacing, i was looking at some securities that took big hits recently AMD, LULU.

Any compelling ideas? Please advise, Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Karim on March 22, 2024
Q: Sorry for asking another tech ranking but I read a question about some of your best ideas currently and I want to mesh with my current holding. Can you please rank the above stocks for purchase/hold today?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Neil on March 18, 2024
Q: Good afternoon, Just wondering if your conviction for Elastic N.V. is still as high as it was several weeks ago? Since the drop following the recent earnings report, ESTC hasn't really participated much in any of the tech rallies. I'm down about 11% and wondering if I should be patient, or consider selling and adding to other high conviction picks already owned, such as NXT, VRT or AXON? Thanks. Brad
Read Answer Asked by Bradley on March 14, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,

While looking into the stock, I found that it has very high stock based compensation. This seems quite concerning to me. I know you like the stock, so is it something that is justified because of its growth?

Read Answer Asked by Wayne on March 05, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

Thank you for taking time to answer so many questions on top stocks to own or purchase. We read through questions on ranking popular stocks but we were not able to formulate a priority list of CDN and US small cap stocks, especially with so many rising quickly in the last couple of months.

Based on current valuations, risk, growth potential, and management, in what order would you purchase the stocks below for a 2-5 year hold? If there are too many stocks, can you please list your top 10 or 12 in priority from the list?


Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on March 04, 2024
Q: My tech stocks have had a great run and it's time to trim as they are now about 33% of my portfolio. Can you please rank the above stocks along with SMCI (watching for a pullback in that one). I also have GOOG and AMZN. Do you think they are too closely related as well?
Read Answer Asked by Neil on March 04, 2024