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Review of TFI International Inc.

MAY 30, 2024 - TFII operates as a diverse transportation operator. The company has a successful track record of acquiring companies and integrating them into its decentralized network of operating segments. TFII has created tremendous shareholder value over the years by consolidating a highly fragmented industry with a large number of small, inefficient operators. With a strong balance sheet, we think TFII could come out on the other side of the recovery stronger. We are maintaining our rating at ‘B+’.

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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hello 5i...with respect to Cdn Industrials...I am looking to consolidate 9 positions into 6 to 7 holdings...thaey are ( largest to smaillest holding ) WSP, TFII, EIF, ATS, CJT, HPS.A, TRI, TVK, DRX, I am looking for some sort of combo of stable growth ( I have good gains in WSP and TFII and will hold, but could trim ) and potential exceptional growth. Would appreciate if you could rank based on growth and how you might see a consolidation effort for these.

One option being considered is to move completely out of CJT and /or ATS to US industrials and looking at potentials FIX or TT... would like your opinion on this move and if you have preference for one or another suggested potential US industrial ( I already hold AXON )

Read Answer Asked by Arthur on July 22, 2024
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