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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: By not listing in the US, are they in some way shielded from US shorts that target Canadian companies (sometimes for dubious reasons)?
Read Answer Asked by JR on June 03, 2024
Q: Hi group I have taken profits on QSR,MCD,GSY,BYD,WSP,CSU,ARC. So my question in what order and at what price do i get back in i own the others, as listed so please rate them also for adding same format. Thanks for your help with this
Read Answer Asked by Terence on May 17, 2024
Q: Hello Peter,
You had provided Tppicus expected numbers: 34 cents for EPS and $292M Euros. The company beat the revenue numbers but was short on EPS; however , Cash flow per share grew. Analysts in general seem to focus on Revenue and EPS; When looking at analysts estimates, i dont see CF per share mentioned. Why is that? If i had to choose between sunlife, manulife and Fairfax, which one would be your top pick? There was an article in the Globe that Fairfax has a huge runaway when comparing to Berkshire.. Any comments please. Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on May 02, 2024
Q: In an earlier response to Olympia Financial Group regarding a 1% interest rate increase/decrease having a 33% increase/decrease on the companies annual earnings you said:
"this sensitivity to interest rates is common for financial companies that earn interest on a large investment holding (such as brokers, insurance) "
Please name 5 Canadian companies more sensitive to interest rates (on earnings) then Olympia Financial Group? I want to track a basket of these stocks.

If you expected rates to be revert to 3-4% for the next 10 years is Olympia still a good investment at these levels today?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 25, 2024
Q: Hello,
I own some FFH and have been concerned by the Muddy Waters report (it's description in the press as it was too specific and complex for me to read and assess) and am wondering if you think it will affect the performance of FFH in the long run and if it is intrinsic to the manner FFH usually does business, compared to, say to another insurance co such as IFC which is more transparent in it's reporting?
Read Answer Asked by Adel on February 21, 2024
Q: Hi Group what's going on with FFH this am. Is it a buy sell or hold is it a good time to add more as i already own it. Also what's you top 3 picks in (stocks or ETFs /US or Cad ) Financials / Health care /Industrials /Tech / Consumer Disc...Thanks for your help it is much appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Terence on February 08, 2024
Q: Good past performers were TC. FFH. ONEX,CSU, KXS ATD

What do you think of theses next 3 Years. Could you rank your choices Thank You RAK
Read Answer Asked by bob on January 19, 2024
Q: If FFH still attractive given its recent appreciation? On Nov 11, you said, "If rates stay where they are for longer, FFH could perform well from here" - agreed, but won't there be a point at which the market starts baking-in the implications of their decline - that is, at which it expects FFH to become less profitable? Or is this more of a Brookfield situation, in which we should expect FFH to capitalize on its interest-rate-driven windfall by, say, pivoting to growth opportunities?
Read Answer Asked by John on January 08, 2024
Q: Hi Group can you give me your thoughts on 2 Financial + 2 healthcare
stocks. The above picks are just shots in the dark are there others you like better or? also short explanation with you suggestions would be helpful
Read Answer Asked by Terence on December 18, 2023
Q: Mr. Hodson, I recall an appearance of your’s on market call several years back, when you deviated from your small to mid cap Canadian equity mandate and recommended Micron technologies because it was simply ‘stupid cheap’ at the time.

Are there any companies out there, CAD or US that would qualify as stupid cheap currently, and hard to ignore as a result. Are any of them compelling enough to buy?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Karim on December 08, 2023
Q: The shares set a new all time high after recent Q results. Please go over the results and add insight as to whether or not the acceleration in the earnings over the last several Q's is sustainable or a one off associated with the spike in interest rates. Analysts average of price targets is $1534 implying 20% further price appreciation. Is it a buy, sell or hold at this time? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by John on November 11, 2023
Q: Dear 5i,
I was looking at many of the Canadian listed Property and Casualty insurers in it looked like the price appreciation for FFH was and extreme outlier at approx. 65% Total Return for the last 12 months. Can you help explain what they have done differently than the rest of group? I thought that with many of the natural disasters would put pressure on this group of stocks. I would really appreciate your comments.
Read Answer Asked by Ian on August 23, 2023
Q: Hi,
I need to sell all the stocks in my non-registered account to access the cash in the next 2-5 years. I will be selling many of the stocks listed, in the next few weeks. Can you list them in SELL order with a few comments on the rationale.
Also, please list the top 10 Canadian stocks (from this list or others) for longterm holding, since I will buy some of them back in one of my registered accounts (RRSP, TFSA), likely over the next 2 years.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Camille on May 30, 2023