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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i...with respect to Cdn Industrials...I am looking to consolidate 9 positions into 6 to 7 holdings...thaey are ( largest to smaillest holding ) WSP, TFII, EIF, ATS, CJT, HPS.A, TRI, TVK, DRX, I am looking for some sort of combo of stable growth ( I have good gains in WSP and TFII and will hold, but could trim ) and potential exceptional growth. Would appreciate if you could rank based on growth and how you might see a consolidation effort for these.

One option being considered is to move completely out of CJT and /or ATS to US industrials and looking at potentials FIX or TT... would like your opinion on this move and if you have preference for one or another suggested potential US industrial ( I already hold AXON )

Read Answer Asked by Arthur on July 22, 2024
Q: Looking to strictly optimize growth over next 3-5 years. Please rank potential of these favourites from current valuations: TIH, URI, ULTA, BKNG, UBER, ESTC, ASPN, FLUT, CROX, TRI, TFII

Read Answer Asked by John on July 03, 2024
Q: Portfolio analyzer says I need more industrials. I already have a 3-4% position in CNR. What other names in industrial would you suggest and their price points for entry please? can be both US and CA.
Read Answer Asked by Anh on June 27, 2024
Q: Given the strong run in BDT, is it still worth buying at these levels. Any other stornger for longer performers to recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on June 27, 2024
Q: My industrial portfolio currently has a light exposure to the industrial sector. I’d like to diversify by adding some industrial stocks in the US and Canada. Additionally, in the consumer sector, I already hold ATD, TOY, PBH, ULTA, and COST. To further enhance my consumer holdings, could you recommend several consumer stocks in the US and one or two in Canada? Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Esther on June 17, 2024
Q: Hi team. I'm ok with some risk and am 100% equities with an average 13% return per year over 10 years thanks to your team!!

Now my question. We sold an investment property with the plan to use the money to fund a new investment property which will be built in 3 this is my time frame. The money will be split between a TFSA & a taxable account, with the taxable account having about 75%.

What do you think if these for the TFSA - CSU, BN, SHOP and DOL?

These for the taxable - WSP, ENB, TFII, DSG, BNS, SU, ATD, BEPC, H, and a little more DOL?

Would you reorganize these between the 2 accounts? Alternatively, would you choose something else due to the timeframe?

Thanks a lot!
Read Answer Asked by Ian on June 07, 2024
Q: I have 1/2 to 2/3 positions in these four names. They pulled back recently and I am considering adding to make them full positions. Would you proceed today or wait for better prices? Any price targets to recommend.
Read Answer Asked by Christian on May 30, 2024
Q: What would you consider good entry points for the noted stocks? Is there any you would not purchase at current levels?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on May 23, 2024
Q: The above companies were listed in the top 15 weekly losers in Saturdays Globe and mail .Losses ranged from 3.60% to 8.83%
Has your opinion change on these companies?
In regards to Byd buyers may want to consult the Farmers Almanac before considering a purchase.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on May 23, 2024
Q: Hi, can I get your recommendations on some Industrial stocks for a conservative portfolio as well as a few picks you might lean to with your inclinations for more growth. Thank you as always! Looking forward to your suggestions.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on May 22, 2024
Q: Some time back, based on your recommendations ( thank you ) I added BN and GSY to my cash portfolio which is loaded up with banks, utilities , telecom etc, to include more growth oriented high quality stocks and am now able to add one of these four. Would you please give me a quick analysis of each detailing strengths/weaknesses financially , operationally,
sector wise. In what order would you buy ?
Thanks Derek
Read Answer Asked by Derek on May 22, 2024
Q: Given the current direction of the Canadian economy, my goal is to focus the majority of my investments in the US. According to Portfolio Analytics, currently 53% of my portfolio is US, 46% Canadian (the remainder being international). I believe my US holdings are significantly under-rated given the Canadian stocks I hold. I would appreciate ballpark figures regarding the US/international component of the following TSX listed stocks: WSP, TFII, BIPC, BEPC, BAM, BN, and HPS.A. This will enable me to get a better handle on what my actual US/international holdings are. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on May 21, 2024
Q: Hi group I have taken profits on QSR,MCD,GSY,BYD,WSP,CSU,ARC. So my question in what order and at what price do i get back in i own the others, as listed so please rate them also for adding same format. Thanks for your help with this
Read Answer Asked by Terence on May 17, 2024