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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I was doing a high level look at my portfolio in terms of recent vs 3, 5, and 10 yr CAGR and saw what I expected from stellar performers like CSU, TRI, WSP, IFC and DSG. What surprised me was seemingly declining longer term performance (ie pre-dating interest rate changes) from FTS, QSR, GIB.A, and EIF. The balance of the portfolio is holding it’s own or is cyclical or I can see a path to renewed growth/performance. Are the four named really lagging or am I looking at the wrong metrics? If you agree they might be considered to be faltering versus past performance can you suggest “growthier” replacements without going too far out the risk scale? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on July 23, 2024
Q: Questions on CTS:

How similar is its business to GIB.A, if at all? Does it make sense to hold both?

Do you have a good feel for its resiliency (i.e. competition and poor economy)?

Is there any vision or plan on this company growing going forward?

Are there odds of a takeover in the future?

Read Answer Asked by James on July 19, 2024
Q: Could you please compare the key financial metrics of OTEX vs ENGH and tell me which one you feel is the better long term hold and why. Finally, is there a canadian tech company you prefer to either of these 2?

Many Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on July 17, 2024
Q: If you were looking for best overall return, how would you rank the following equities for the next two years: BEI.UN, DIV, DRX, GIB.A, HME, HMM.A, NVA. What would you suggest purchasing each at? How would you rank them for risk?
Read Answer Asked by David on June 24, 2024
Q: I have 1/2 to 2/3 positions in these four names. They pulled back recently and I am considering adding to make them full positions. Would you proceed today or wait for better prices? Any price targets to recommend.
Read Answer Asked by Christian on May 30, 2024
Q: Which of these 4 would you recommend for a 3 to 5 year hold and could you recommend order to buy and a comment on all? And perhaps an entry price level. Thanx.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on May 23, 2024
Q: Please recommend the name of 5 TSX stocks, for starting a $100k retirement fund, earning 10% on dividends + appreciation, relatively low risk. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ron on May 22, 2024
Q: Hello Peter and team

To complement my all ETFs portfolio : VEQT 40%, QQQ 10%, VGT 10%, MOAT 10%, I intend to add 6 of the above 7 stocks for 5% each.
Does it make sense, please feel free to substitute and suggest other stocks and explain why.
This is for a 10 years hold with minimum or no trading in this account.
Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Raoul on May 16, 2024
Q: I need to sell some of my shares . Of my list, which would you be inclined to sell first ? Please list them by order # 1to 8. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Frank on May 07, 2024
Q: For new TFSA money this year can you please recommend you're top 5 picks in the Balanced growth/income portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Darrin on May 01, 2024
Q: Hi 5i: I have a small position in LMN. I will add PRL with a pullback??? I would like to add a 3rd Canadian from the tech space.
I would appreciate your recommendation for this addition. Thank you for you your suggestion.

Read Answer Asked by Tom on April 25, 2024
Q: What would be your top 10 “sleep at night” stocks for US and Canada?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on April 22, 2024
Q: Good morning
these three ETFs have stellar one year performance to January 6th according to your March issue of Money Saver magazine. Do you see them topped out for the present or would you still see a buying opportunity here
Read Answer Asked by Guy R. on April 15, 2024
Q: Have some cash available to add to one or 2 of the following: CLS, DOL, DOO, GIB.A, IFC, QSR, STN, TIH. For a purchase at the current price, please rank from 1 through 8, for total return over the next 3 - 5 years. I believe you are pretty positive about each of these companies. No concerns about sector allocation.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 13, 2024