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5i Recent Questions
Q: Given the strong run in BDT, is it still worth buying at these levels. Any other stornger for longer performers to recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on June 27, 2024
Q: There has been lots of good discussion about these 6 stocks on your forums section over the last year BDT, DRX, GSY, HPS.A, PRL, VHI. All have been big winners. Do you think they are still promising investments at current prices?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on June 07, 2024
Q: What do you think about BDT's prospects in the upcoming Canadian economic landscape?

Their shareholder material suggests they're exposed to renewable and green energy infrastructure projects, extractive sectors like mining (critical minerals), as well as the constant talk about needing to build more homes all seem like tailwinds. I also like the emphasis on health and safety of their workforce which suggests a healthy and mature management team.

From a financial POV they seem to tick a lot of boxes too. Good historical ROE growth, heathy debt levels, a healthy/diversified backlog, growing forward EPS, and approaching $1B in market cap.

What do you think about BDT's prospects?
What's the bear case for BDT?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 24, 2024
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