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Q: I get it that general-contractors like BDT are exposed to cyclicality in ways that engineering-and-design co's like WSP are not, but then I compare their P/E ratios (20.5 vs 54.5) and wonder if the latter could ever grow as much as the former - or is BDT's low P/E just a fact of life in cyclical sectors, such that it's the one that's growth-limited?
Read Answer Asked by John on October 21, 2024
Q: Hello 5i Team
Today BDT jumped approximately 12% on news that they are increasing the dividend.
Do you believe that it is okay to buy this stock after the big run up or to wait? Is the stock a good company with a long term investment.Would you recommend this company or another company in the same space?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by claudio on October 10, 2024
Q: How would you rank the following stocks for long term growth based on their current evaluations?
Read Answer Asked by Schoombee on August 20, 2024
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