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5i Recent Questions
Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC)
Intact Financial Corporation (IFC)
iA Financial Corporation Inc. (IAG)
Q: Hello,
I own IAG and it recently missed earnings expectations by 5% and, as a consequence, the market reaction was brutally punitive. How can you compare IAG's overall financial strength to larger Canadian Insurers, say IFC and MFC, and are there overall reasons to worry apart from the market's bad quarter reaction ?
I own IAG and it recently missed earnings expectations by 5% and, as a consequence, the market reaction was brutally punitive. How can you compare IAG's overall financial strength to larger Canadian Insurers, say IFC and MFC, and are there overall reasons to worry apart from the market's bad quarter reaction ?
Q: Thoughts on Thanks.
Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC)
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iA Financial Corporation Inc. (IAG)
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Q: I have a bit of money to invest in dividend paying stocks for a long term hold . What do you think of the 5, I have listed or can you suggest anything better ? Thanks.
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