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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have a large (15-20%) holding in CSU, as it has grown really well. They say to keep running with your winners; as I continue investing, would it be better to continue slowly adding to my CSU position, or to work on diversifying my portfolio? If diversify, I am obviously looking for other stocks that will compound at a high level over the long term. At today's valuations, in which order would 5i recommend buying these other stocks? Similarly, to diversify, does it make sense to sell some CSU to reinvest in any of these other stocks? Thank you so much!
Read Answer Asked by Petra on July 08, 2024
Q: Hi - as a follow up to your reply from my earlier question today on the above, would you consider a further pullback during this possible rotation to be an opportunity to add back to them? This would be under scenario that once a recession is upon us that they would once again do well. Secondly, do you "expect" that this rotation may last a quarter or two...or is your base case for recessionary positioning sooner?
Read Answer Asked by Doug on December 15, 2023
Q: Hi Peter and Staff
Long time holder of NTR and have whittled my materials to just this one with a 1% weighting . Selling now at this price seems like a bad idea but with the premise “it doesn’t care what you paid for it “ for a long term hold , do you favour it , SJ or TECK.B and why ?

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on December 04, 2023
Q: What would be some investments that would benefit from the potential residential building boom that is being incented by Federal money in Canada?
Read Answer Asked by Maria on November 21, 2023
Q: Hello, I think I made a mistake in buying WFG. It has not done well and is at the mercy of lumber prices and the government (I think?). I used to own SJ and it may have more control of it's destiny. Your thoughts please. Frankly I'm starting to think I don't need materials as there is too many, copper, lumber, steel, gold..... I also own AEM in the sector. How do I choose? I prefer a safer less cyclical stock if that's possible in this sector. Any advise would be appreciated. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Cheryl on November 08, 2023
Q: As a dividend growth investor I'm looking for one more (non-financial) growth company to add to my group that already includes ATD and CNR. I've done a side-by-side comparison of the following three outlining concerns for each:

FSV - Reasonable debt levels. In a recession, perhaps the strongest of the three (?), but always expensive.

SJ - Arguably a bit of a moat, reasonable debt. But by already owning CNR, does it make sense to own a company whose business includes railway ties?

DOO - Great growth, nice dividend growth, and very attractive moat. But what about that debt ?...and in a recession who is going to buy those "toys" ?

Not looking for personal advice, but I would welcome any comments on the concerns I've mentioned. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by James on October 17, 2023
Q: Hello 5i
Your analysis tells me that i am underweight in basic materials. I have been thinking about buying more of Stella Jones, which i already own. But, as you will know, it has had a pretty good run recently. So, i was then wondering about looking for a good prospect that has been more beaten down and with a good chance of a rebound. Would you go with SJ, or would there be a better choice, either in Canada or US? Dividend doesn't matter. I have a feeling that this isn't a bad time to be looking at basic materials. Would you agree with that?
Thanks as always for your help
Read Answer Asked by joseph on October 17, 2023
Q: Hi,

Are all the A-ranked companies in the September Rating Summary still a buy at their current prices?
Read Answer Asked by Larry on October 12, 2023
Q: Market seemed to like the great Q2 results for Stella Jones. The press release mentioned the 2023-2025 financial objects from the inaugural Investor Day in May and I noticed the plan included a >$500M cumulative return to shareholders. The current $0.92 dividend payout is roughly $54M/yr which is well short of the goal objective. Any insight into dividend raises or special dividends.
Read Answer Asked by David on August 10, 2023