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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: On a scale from 1 to 10, what number would you assign the following eight stocks where 10 represents the most upside and 1 the least, and what letter grade would you give them where an A represents the least risk and an F the most?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 26, 2024
Q: How would you rank the following Ai-related companies (best first) with an outlook of at least a year or two?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 23, 2024
Q: I have a small position purchased quite a while ago. Since purchasing it has been up and down, most of time was under water, now it is up about 30%. I am thinking of switching it to a better one with potentially more growth and stable. Could you please provide your comments?


Read Answer Asked by Lin on July 18, 2024
Q: Would you please please order the tech stocks in order of preference for long term hold with a brief explanation of each.
Would you consider CEG comparable to NEE?
Read Answer Asked by Catherine on June 13, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i,

LRCX reported recently. What are your thoughts on these numbers and the company in general? Who are thier main competitors? What will be the main drivers of growth for the next few quarters and are they positioned correctly to take advantage of any tailwinds from global AI demand expansion.

Read Answer Asked by Duane on April 29, 2024
Q: Can you please prioritize the top 10 up and coming AI stocks for future growth?
Read Answer Asked by John on March 26, 2024
Q: I own the above US Stocks in my RRSP. Please rate each one as a BUY, HOLD or SELL and the reasons for your Rating.
Read Answer Asked by ALNOOR on January 19, 2023
Q: How about buying chips making companies? Which one do you like?
Thank you
Be happy.

Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on August 26, 2022
Q: Greetings 5i,

What are your thoughts on INTEL? What are your thougths on the domestic tailwinds via Biden Administration and roughly 75B in federal support for domestic chip manufacturers? Seems almost like the industry is being considered a matter of national sercurity in the US and will back the chip makers. Are there other companies who stand to do well in this environment?

Read Answer Asked by Duane on August 08, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
Thank you for your suggestion to have some silver in the portfolio. It got life just when I was considering an exit . This question is also somewhat related.
I am beginning to think that Energy and Commodities have got significant room to run this summer. I am overweight technology and overweight semiconductors within. All my favorite growth stocks besides UPST.
To increase my portfolio in energy and commodities I need to reduce technology including names like NVDA AMAT GOOG etc. I am thinking that the tech sector will not react violently to the upside and there will be sufficient time to rotate back from energy and commodities.
However, I also feel that just when I throw in the towel, the market will find support and bounce back. I do believe in their long term future but perhaps not a bad idea to trade the trend for now. I am on the fence with financials too at the moment, what with the war, asset freezes, bans and Powell tempering his tone.
What would you suggest to me.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on March 09, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,

I am leaning towards going all in with my borrowed chips for swing trades. This would be separate from my long term holdings. I would appreciate your opinion please.

Towards that objective, I have short listed the following:

I think diversification does not matter for swing trades and, understanding that this is a crap shoot could you please suggest approx. 5-6 stocks, either from this list or others that you would suggest.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on December 21, 2021
Q: I've been lucky enough to own NVDA in the last year. Its now 4% of my portfolio. I'm considering buying a semi supplier like AMAT, LRCX,ASML, etc. What do you think? is it too much to own NVDA and a supplier? if so, which would you suggest?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on November 08, 2021
Q: Can you please suggest a few US listed companies in the semiconductor space who should see price appreciation as we come out of the supply chain issues / chip shortage over the next 12-24 months. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Vineet on October 25, 2021
Q: Hi there,

I am looking to buy 10 software stocks and 10 stocks in the semiconductor space. I am seeking out high growth names. Would you be able to provide me with your top recommendations? Thank you kindly,

Read Answer Asked by Jason on October 18, 2021
Q: Retired, dividend-income investor. Reading lots about supply chain shortages (semi-conductors, copper, steel, etc). How are we best to play this?

Should we consider selecting companies within specific industries (Copper Mountain or Teck comes to mind) or should we go the ETF route (via ZMT or another suggestion via 5iR)?

A dividend would be a bonus. BTW, in the materials sector I already own NTR.

Please list some companies that I can research.

Please list some ETFs that I can research.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 20, 2021
Q: The chip shortage is currently a well publiced topic. Can you give me the names of a few companies that you feel will benefit from this dilemna. Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on August 18, 2021
Q: I am investigating Applied Materials for an investment to increase the industrial waiting in my portfolio. What do you think of the company? Is there any other industrial holding that you prefer for long term growth and some income?
Read Answer Asked by Rod on July 28, 2021