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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi 5i,

I have a question about currency as it relates to investments made to the TSX or US stock exchanges.

I am embarrassed to ask given this was likely a rookie move; posting publicly in case it helps others.

I have made investments via my TFSA, LIRA, RRSP and self directed investment account in some US equities (above).

What I perceive now to be a "problem" is that all purchases of US stocks (including those with dividends) were made out of my CA account of said RRSP, TFSA, LIRA etc. given I did not hold any USD$ in my investment accounts.

Yesterday there were a few questions around Norbert’s Gambit approach (which I am not familiar with) and I have since realized the error of my ways. Here are my questions - knowing you cannot personalize responses - but if it were YOU :

- 1) As a Canadian, should the purchase of any US equity always be purchased using US funds in said investment account? OR when available - should you purchase on the CA stock exchange?

- 2) What is the best way to transfer CAD from said investment account into the US corresponding account if one wants to be mindful of fees, exchange rates etc. (is that Norbert's approach?)

-3) What would you suggest I do for the US equities I currently own in CA accounts? Is there anything to do?

Please use any credits you see fit.
Thanks a Million.
Read Answer Asked by Julie on June 28, 2024
Q: Hi 5i!
Piggy backing off one of my last questions on building a solid portfolio from scratch through diversification et al(THANK YOU!). Knowing you can’t get personal; looking for some mid to long term hold recommendations (either US or CA) in the following sectors with growth upside in mind as I have significant cash (250K+) sitting in my RRSP doing nothing. I am currently quite top heavy in Tech – and own the above in registered and non-registered accounts.

If you have several recos for a sector, can you please rank in order of preference. Additionally, if there is a sector that can be put to the side with the idea of prioritizing others, I would be keen to know. Also open to add ETF's to represent a sector. As always, thanks a million. I love your service.

• Consumer Staples
• Healthcare
• Industrials
• Communications
• Energy
• Real Estate
• Utilities
• Materials
Read Answer Asked by Julie on June 17, 2024
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