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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I own small (2-3%) positions in Snowflake, MongoDB, and Datadog. Would you currently hold these stocks or sell them? If sold, what are some possible replacements in the tech sector?

If I were only to sell one, which holding would you let go of first and why?

Read Answer Asked by Nicola on January 27, 2025
Q: Are there any stocks out there today that you feel are stupidly mispriced and could get a nice bounce/run this year?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Christine on January 17, 2025
Q: Happy New year to everyone!

My TFSA is strictly US growth. I'm looking at the software space as I'm tech oriented.

I do own MSFT, ORCL on it's recent decline.

Some of the players are fairly expensive or have some negative momentum. NOW, SNPS, CDNS are 3 candidates.

Would you have a preference of these looking forward accounting for current value etc?
A top tier selection that isn't one of these?

I'm looking for your thoughts and a reasonable entry. Of course this is 3+ year hold.

Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on January 02, 2025
Q: Morning you fabulous people,

My TFSA is heavily tilted toward tech and growth.

I'm gearing up for 2025. I see Orcl has had a healthy small consolidation.

I already own the big players. Is Oracle a buy in its current range?

Outside of the mag7, PANW, ANET, AVGO.

Do you have a compelling buy to add at a reasonable valuation in the broad tech sector.

Please deduct accordingly.

Thank you so much.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on December 19, 2024
Q: Good Day,

I redid my portfolio early this year based on much of your feedback. And of those picks, Every single one of them was up, most significantly so, at least once, since that time. Some have returned/fell below those buy levels.

1. DRX, HPS, LMN and VRT, seem to have consolidated up a healthy amount, do these appear to be new support levels from which they'll continue to grow? Still Aces in your books?

2. SMCI is furthest from this years high, what are the main barriers it would have to reaching that high again in the coming year? In your opinion is it likely to get there within 12-18months?

3. NXT, CELH, CDNS, DCBO, and ATS all went significantly up, and almost as precipitously down. They seem to languish. I doubled down (half to full) on CELH on the first big drop in April, which seemed worth it in May, but less so now. Do you have faith in these names still? Is their prospect for growth still the same as it was in February? Are there new names in this Growth profile (or what is was in February) that you are more confident in? With your suggestions here, please rank them with these names from highest to lowest prospects/confidence.

4. AMD. Is it worth holding the 2nd fiddle? Would it be better used in something in 1st in a different space? like AVGO or QCOM?

5. DIS. Been very up and down on this half position. Worth going to a full at this point, or would you want to see the ship righted a bit more before increasing? Would you sell a Disney holding?

AMZN, GOOG, NVDA, TVK, DRX, POWL, TCS and CROX all doing their thing for me :), suggestions other than these please.

Thanks for all you do! Please take however many credits you need.

Read Answer Asked by James on August 27, 2024
Q: In a high growth portfolio I hold the following US stocks: CRWD, GOOGL, NVO, Uber and the ETF XT. I think I would like to replace the ETF XT with a single growth stock. XT has done okay for me in that it has doubled but that took nearly 10 years. Can you recommend a faster growing US stock that would be a good fit?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by David on March 27, 2024
Q: Can you please prioritize the top 10 up and coming AI stocks for future growth?
Read Answer Asked by John on March 26, 2024
Q: Good Day,

I picked up CELH and CROX based on the answer to my last question, and added in POWL to boot. Based on my portfolio in my previous question, was POWL something you would consider redundant in my account, or would you be fine with that type of addition in your portfolio.

I have been holding SNPS and CDNS for a minute now, and it just seems to bounce back and forth between +5% and -5%. Are these mostly growers on news and earnings? What are their respective Expected growth rates over the next 1 and 2 years?

This brings me to almost "fully deployed". I have noticed in the last couple weeks that the volatility in the market seems to have increased, and the average of that volatility seems to be sort of flat over this time. I have seen some videos and articles calling for the "AI Bubble" to burst, etc. Do you think there will be a cooling in that space coming? and if that occurs will the market follow it? I've seen many replies where you state that NVDA has a clear 18 month runway for growth, and thus I imagine the companies that support it as well, does that still hold true in your view? If said cooling could be coming, would it be worth the fees to say, shrink/cut some positions? Or is that too much like timing the market and thus better to stay in?

Thanks for everything,

Read Answer Asked by James on March 13, 2024
Q: Opinions on these two companies. Looks like Intel created a foundry division in which Cadence will be assisting Intel with designing and producing new chips. From my reading Microsoft is also involved and wondering if this may be a strategy to decrease reliance on Taiwan semiconductor and increase "home grown" chip manufacturing.
Do you think Intel can find some momentum from the AI surge and this strategy?
Is Cadence a viable way to get involved in the "back door" of the AI surge? Do you have other preferences that provide the same services?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Colleen on February 28, 2024
Q: I do wonder if you could comment on the recent news releases in regard to Cadance and Intel foundry systems. I just started researching this and am going to admit a lot of this is over my head and comprehension. From my initial readings it looks like Microsoft has joined in on this as well, so looks like Intel, Cadence and Microsoft are in an initiative in the AI space. Is there a possibility that Intel may get some legs in this AI surge as well? The share price of this stock has certainly not soared like others in this sector. Wondering if the Microsoft relationship will have some impact on the future performance of Intel?
Could this be a way for Microsoft to lessen it's dependence on NVDA?
Read Answer Asked by Colleen on February 28, 2024
Q: Good Day,

Big wins on a lot of your recent answers to my previous questions, thanks.

Obviously there's a tonne of hype on the Semiconductor market/AI/Data Center space right now, and after picking up SMCI, VRT, etc, I came across CDNS and by proxy, SNPS as well.

It appears they have the market corners on the design software side of this market. Logically, however, this wouldn't appear to be a space that grows in the number of customers in it very readily.

Is this similar to ASMLs type of monopoly (albeit a duopoly), with growth coming from advantageous pricing conditions and the relative difficulty of a new player popping up?

Do you see these companies gaining significant share price appreciation over time? Which company is better and why? I really liked a recent question that asked where they were relative to a baseball game. For each could you relate their lifecycle to what inning in a game they are, as well as an out of 10 for risk and growth potential.

The prices of these have climbed for sure, but definitely don't seem to have exploded like the rest of the segment. Are there any other companies with this same type of competitive advantage in the semiconductor/AI space?

Read Answer Asked by James on February 12, 2024
Q: JPM has had a decent run but I'm thinking of swapping it for Mastercard. Can I get your thoughts please?

Palo Alto has also been terrific, but I'm trying to add more AI into my portfolio. I'd like to sell it and find a new name, CDN or US. I own MSFT, AAPL, Salesforce, GOOG, Meta, NVDA, Constellation, Shopify and Kinaxis. I was thinking of Taiwan Semi, AMD or Broadcom, but can I get your thoughts please?
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on January 29, 2024
Q: May I have your thoughts on SNPS and their acquisition of ANSYS? Since some shares are being issued to finance the purchase should I wait to see if the stock declines before taking the plunge? The market seems to like the purchase as SNPS's shares went up instead of declining when the deal was announced. The stock price was fairly steady until 2016 when it began a steep climb up, what changed? Or was it us, the buyers, whose attitude to their business changed? Is their business model very similar to NVDA or in a different niche?
Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by James on January 18, 2024
Q: Can you provide a list of top companies to play the AI phenom.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on December 01, 2023
Q: Recently watched the Blackberry move and it was excellent. We know how things ended but they had a good run when they were winning but missed where the market was heading. Looking back over years there was the PC/Internet revolution followed by the mobile/smartphone revolution and now what appears to be the AI revolution. In hindsight buying and holding Microsoft, Apple, Google, Nvidia etc made sense. With AI the next frontier what stocks do you think will be the next big winners; same names as the past or are there new names we should investing in?
Read Answer Asked by Sal on November 28, 2023
Q: Good Morning Peter & team,

Have $6000 to add and do not have enough exposure to chip manufacturing. Was thinking about QCOM but read a few of your comments and don't necessarily like they're dependency on cell phone. NVIDIA has had the big run up along with a few of the other popular names. Is there a late bloomer/less popular name you might recommend for a 3 - 5 year hold if not longer? Growth is the priority.

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on November 16, 2023