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Q: Sold 1/2 my portfolio (except CSU, TOI, LMN) at the end of August. First week into Sept and I'm looking smart. While I think it's still too early, when and how do I get back into market? Holdings (some sold out in August) include AMZN, META, NVDA, AMD, VRT, BN, SHOP, AXON, SNPS, NOVT, GOOG, NU, ELF.
Read Answer Asked by John on September 07, 2024
Q: Good Day,

I picked up CELH and CROX based on the answer to my last question, and added in POWL to boot. Based on my portfolio in my previous question, was POWL something you would consider redundant in my account, or would you be fine with that type of addition in your portfolio.

I have been holding SNPS and CDNS for a minute now, and it just seems to bounce back and forth between +5% and -5%. Are these mostly growers on news and earnings? What are their respective Expected growth rates over the next 1 and 2 years?

This brings me to almost "fully deployed". I have noticed in the last couple weeks that the volatility in the market seems to have increased, and the average of that volatility seems to be sort of flat over this time. I have seen some videos and articles calling for the "AI Bubble" to burst, etc. Do you think there will be a cooling in that space coming? and if that occurs will the market follow it? I've seen many replies where you state that NVDA has a clear 18 month runway for growth, and thus I imagine the companies that support it as well, does that still hold true in your view? If said cooling could be coming, would it be worth the fees to say, shrink/cut some positions? Or is that too much like timing the market and thus better to stay in?

Thanks for everything,

Read Answer Asked by James on March 13, 2024
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