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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Team,

Looking at starting a new position in a few of the 12 companies tagged. Can you rank from 1 to 12 on which companies you think is the best to start a new position in. No worries on size, industry or risk, looking for capital appreciation only over the next 3 years.

Thanks again!
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on July 15, 2024
Q: Which of the above should be most positively affected by a dropping Canadian bank rate. Pls rate in most to least..
Read Answer Asked by Ron on June 04, 2024
Q: Hold all four in growth oriented TFSA for several years now. How much overlap do you see among them? How would you rank them first (best) to last? Are any need to own? If reducing number of these four holdings, which ones would you trim or eliminate? Any that could be increased as position size of each is less than 1.5% of total of all portfolios?
Read Answer Asked by William Ross on May 31, 2024
Q: You recently said that trimming the weeds in a portfolio is something to believe in. Is SYZ a weed? I have held this stock for more than ten years and 5i's coverage of it was one of the reasons for my original subscription. I like the unique sector SYZ operates in and its growth potential, but I am losing patience and wondering if it is time to move on. If I sold SYZ I would add to my other Canadian software holdings, namely OTEX, ENGH, TCS and AIF, but I hesitate because SYZ provides diversification and may yet turn around. As always, I welcome your insight.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 14, 2024
Q: In Chris's recent webinar he mentioned the similarities between TCS and DSG as well as the same between GSY and TCS.

Now my question here is if I was only to own one of each of the two which ones have the best opportunities for growth going forward and which meets Warren Buffets criteria most closely?


Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on April 02, 2024
Q: I struggle with ATS and KXS whether to sell or continue to see drifting lower. I know you suggest selling if something fundamental has changed for the worse. People commonly thinking ATS is a growth name, but their backlog is shrinking, still a growth name? Fundamental changed? KXS's growth is declining as well....when it will resume their growth? If sell them, what to buy to replace? Can I have your thoughts? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Lin on March 22, 2024
Q: WELL has required a lot of patience. I know you still like it, but is there another smallish cap you would select over it? I own TSU, LMN, SIS, and SYZ.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on March 19, 2024
Q: After reading you were disappointed with the results by Nuvei -- on top of your tepid reviews prior to this week's earnings results -- I'm thinking of replacing it.

Note, I don't use asset allocation, instead selecting stocks with the best overall potential for capital appreciation (in this case over the next 5 years).

With that in mind, please rank Celestica, Tecsys, Docebo, TFII and Terravest against Nuvei from 1 to 6, one being the best, 6 the least appealing.

Read Answer Asked by Peter on March 07, 2024
Q: What are your top 4-5 Canadian small cap stocks, that you have on your watchlist?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on December 08, 2023
Q: Looking at Canadian technology stocks. I'm going to assume you figure CSU and SHOP are the mainstays here, so I would like to know how you would rate the following 10 other Cdn technology stocks on a scale of 1-10, for a long term hold, with 10 being a stock you would absolutely want to have in a portfolio and 1 being something of no interest at all. CLS, CTS, DCBO, DSG, GIB.A, KXS, NVEI, OTEX, TCS, VHI. I have included very small company VHI because their recent Q3 looked quite good to me. Also, if there are 1 or 2 that look like very compelling buys at this time, could you indicate which ones please. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on December 06, 2023
Q: I bought GSY at its peak. Is it time to dollar cost average now or would you wait for the price to drop more?

How do you see the stock price move if interest rates stay stable until mid 2024?

Would you recommend different stocks which pay 3-5% dividend with room to grow 50% over the next 12 - 18 months,?
Read Answer Asked by V on November 16, 2023