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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: You recently said that trimming the weeds in a portfolio is something to believe in. Is SYZ a weed? I have held this stock for more than ten years and 5i's coverage of it was one of the reasons for my original subscription. I like the unique sector SYZ operates in and its growth potential, but I am losing patience and wondering if it is time to move on. If I sold SYZ I would add to my other Canadian software holdings, namely OTEX, ENGH, TCS and AIF, but I hesitate because SYZ provides diversification and may yet turn around. As always, I welcome your insight.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 14, 2024
Q: Good morning. I hold the above stocks in my TFSA. Together they now account for approx. 6% of my TFSA. I am thinking I'd like to consolidate them into one or possibly two positions. Which would you choose to keep if you went that route. Alternatively can you suggest one or two Canadian and one or two American growth stocks to take their place. I already hold full positions of CSU, LMN, TOI, NVDA, and SHOP. Thanks for your advice, Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rod on March 11, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, Hi have listed my big loosers and will appreciate you opinion for clean up purpose. 1. Can go right away 2. There is some hope so hold on 3. add more
Read Answer Asked by S on December 20, 2023
Q: I was just about to give up on Sylogist because of its downward trend over the past 5 weeks in a strong market. Then I discovered that CFRA rates it a Strong Buy!! I know that their report is algorithm-generated, but still! I checked out other CFRA algorithm-generated reports for other small-cap Canadian tech stocks and couldn’t find another Strong Buy (lots of sells). I originally signed up for 5i Research because you cover small Canadian companies. SYZ never issues stock, so there's no analyst coverage. Only algorithms. So how much credence would you put on CFRA's algorithm? What is causing it to generate a Strong Buy for SYZ?
Read Answer Asked by David on December 11, 2023
Q: I'm late to the party with TCS, CTS and SYZ. I don't own any of them and wonder if they still have "legs" or have they had their runs. Looking for other small Canadian Tech you find interesting.
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 14, 2023
Q: I just visited your subscription website. 5i rightfully touts the outstanding returns on these BEST PERFORMERS since inception.

I have benefited immensely from those picks BUT bailed at the wrong time and now only hold GSY.

Would you still recommend Csu,byd and syz at current prices or are there new potential multi baggers that you prefer

Thanks for your help…. and looking forward to seeing share prices increase and have the patience and wisdom…and courage to hold on ……
Read Answer Asked by Donald on October 24, 2023
Q: What do you make of the trading pattern in SYZ? It is well off its lows and seems to be holding up well in a $7.7-7.9 trading range for the past month. It consistently traded above $10 for many years prior to 2021 and, as far as I can tell, its business prospects in the enterprise software space are the same or better. Can you comment on its future growth and likelihood of getting back to its old highs? I know the dividend cut disappointed the market, but should not the former dividend payment now be reflected in better future growth in the stock price? If the stock price doesn't get back to old highs, what are the prospects of a software consolidator like CSU, OTEX or ENGH taking them out?
Read Answer Asked by David on September 15, 2023
Q: Unfortunately I am down over 50% on all these stocks (held in my TFSA). I am “cleaning house”.
Please give your opinion as to whether any have the potential to recover and are worth holding for a bit longer.
Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on June 02, 2023
Q: I still own SYZ and have a 1.6% weight and would you see this as a buy if I wanted to increase my weight? If I choose to sell what tech stock would you replace this with?
Read Answer Asked on May 25, 2023