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Review of Vitalhub Corp.

JUN 13, 2024 - VHI operates as a technology service provider to the Health and Human Services sector. The company’s offerings mainly serve the digital health solutions market focusing on acute hospital, mental health, community and social services sectors. VHI is another interesting, high-quality serial acquirer in the making. There is some risk of dilution with the aggressive growth that VHI is pursuing which involves share issuance to fund acquisitions. Rating initiated at a ‘B’.

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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi,

Can you please confirm the FY24 and FY25 consensus EPS as seen on your Key Ratios company page for WELL. It seems the EPS is forecast to drop approx 40%.... .17 cents vs .12 cents respectively which does not seem very enticing. Although many of the other key ratios do look attractive so I wonder what is keeping this stock from performing better?
I have owned WELL for awhile now (marginally ahead) but my patience is growing thin and was thinking of splitting some of the proceeds (if I sell) towards Vitalhub and/or Kneat (which are both now close to their 52 week highs vs WELL) as part of my small cap health exposure. I took part in a DKAM update yesterday and they have VHI and KSI as part of their top 10 stocks for 2025 and I have followed some of their recommendations for years and done very well.
Just curious what your favourite is of these 3 health stocks. In the past you have suggested all 3 as favourable at various times but I know acquisitions etc can move some stocks ahead of others and all have made recent headlines.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on October 21, 2024
Q: Hey 5i, the 5 stocks above are favoirites of DKAM and I'm thinking about putting a few in my TFSA. Now the problem is Jason Donville loves all of them but I'm sure 5i probably could tell me if they would rank some above the others? Thanks for your help. Cheers
Read Answer Asked by Chris on October 15, 2024
Q: On Sept 11, Otex announced it has received authorization for the OpenText IT Management Platform (ITMX) from the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP®) ( ) .

You mentioned before that OTEX may need time to integrate previous M/A. With the FEDRAMP approval, would it be a buy now? Or would you consider stronger stocks to be better total returns over the next 3-4 years? Please rank the attached companies (knowing that they're all very different).

Thank you so much for your insights!
Read Answer Asked by Liliane on September 26, 2024
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