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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Would you initiate a position here? This company rarely falters the way it has recently. Is this a compelling buy, if so, please rate it on scale of 1-10, 10 being a high conviction. Please rank it amongst your favourites in consumer discretionary.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Karim on July 19, 2024
Q: What do you think of airbnb and uber? i use both companies a lot and like them.

Can you give me your thoughts on each in terms of: valuation, growth prospects, how they stack up to peers, and how good the ROE is?

Would you say one is better than the other? I assume they are both pretty GDP sensitive w/how much travel and leisure spending impacts them
Read Answer Asked by Max on June 17, 2024
Q: Can you please list in order your top 5 Canadian and top 5 US stocks in order based on conviction? Please also list a management rating, 10 being the highest.
Time frame 5+ years
Read Answer Asked by Nick on June 03, 2024
Q: My current exposure to the US market is through, ZQQ, VFV, VUN, VGG, and GOOG, AMZN, CVS, and BRK CDR’s. I would like to increase my US weighting and have CAD$150,000 to invest and am considering dividing this into equal amounts in V, MA, UNH, PFE, ADBE, and MSFT. Your thoughts on this approach and any other suggestions (5+ year holding period). Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Don on June 03, 2024
Q: Suppose our extraterrestrial friend, Blaarg, seeks to diversify their portfolio by investing in the U.S. market. Which 12-15 top U.S. stocks would you recommend for them over the next decade? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Esther on May 27, 2024
Q: In regards to some of the companies that have gotten whacked after releasing their numbers (like Uber, Shopify, Hammand ect), what are a couple names that you think look the most likely to dust themselves off and move higher from here? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Martin on May 14, 2024
Q: 1. What percentage do you advise allocating to discretionary sector.
2. Included are non-US names because of pricing power/ controlled supply. If I missed any from your favs, please add to the list.
3. Recently you answered my question on industrial stocks based on
a) core [large, defensive names]
b) high growth regardless of size
c) recent strength and positive momentum.
Applying that to my list of discretionary stocks, please rank in each category (1-3, with 1 strongest)

Read Answer Asked by sam on February 05, 2024
Q: I've got these laggards in a TFSA or RRSP, down between 15-36%! I want to dump a bunch (all?) as I feel I've given them enough time to perform and they haven't. Does 5i see catalysts in the next 12 months for any of these that i should keep some?

In which order would you drop them.
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on January 11, 2024
Q: I am currently in the negative on T, AMZN, TTD, TCN, NVEI, CPRX, ATZ, ENGH, LSPD, ABNB, WELL, BEP.UN, ROKU, ILMN, SE, PINS, and ZM. I have a 10+ year outlook, however would like to know based on the company and growth potential, what would you Sell or Hold? And if a Hold, please advise your perspective. Thanks!!
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on January 01, 2024
Q: Could you do a quick review of the 3 online activity/trip/booking companies and provide your order of buying with a short explanation of your most preferred to least preferred. If you believe there's a better investment than these three in this sector, which would it be and why is it better? Thanks so much for all you do. Regards, John
Read Answer Asked by John on November 08, 2023
Q: Hi Team,
What’s your view on ABNB these days? The stock has been wanting to trend higher this year so far. Is the inclusion into the s and p an ongoing catalyst? I am trying to decide whether to keep it , or sell it while I am now positive on the name . I am a little concerned over regulations such as what NY has just done to them . I was debating if I sold it using the funds to add to my positions in LMN and Well. Looking for the biggest potential long term. Would you endorse the move , suggest a different name not mentioned instead , or just continue to hold ?

Thanks ,
Read Answer Asked by Shane on October 02, 2023
Q: Hi,

What is your perspective on the travel industry, and what are your recommendations on stocks or ETF US or Canadian or international for 5-10 hold?

Read Answer Asked by Matt on June 05, 2023